# Barna

Extends your Ecto schemas with convenience functions so that you can focus on your domain logic instead of plumbing.

## Installation

The package can be installed by adding `barna` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

def deps do
    {:barna, "~> 0.1.1"}

## Adds the following functions
### fetch/1
Allows you to get zero or one entry from the database. It supports fetching by one or more schema attributes and efficiently joining and preloading (non-nested) associations.

#### Examples

# Get by id
MyApp.Accounts.User.fetch(by: "07949870-7d31-48cc-8883-ce882760759f")
# > {:ok, %User{id: "07949870-7d31-48cc-8883-ce882760759f", ...}}

# Get by name AND age
MyApp.Accounts.User.fetch(by: [name: "John", age: 33])
# > {:ok, %User{name: "John", age: 33, ...}}

# If not found, it returns an error tuple
MyApp.Accounts.User.fetch(by: [email: ""])
# > {:error, :not_found}

# Get by id and include the Foo association (via left join)
MyApp.Accounts.User.fetch(by: "07949870-7d31-48cc-8883-ce882760759f", include: [:foo])
# > {:ok, %User{id: "07949870-7d31-48cc-8883-ce882760759f", foo: %Foo{bar: "baz"}}}

# Get by id and include the Foo association (via inner join)
MyApp.Accounts.User.fetch(by: "07949870-7d31-48cc-8883-ce882760759f", include!: [:foo])
# > {:ok, %User{id: "07949870-7d31-48cc-8883-ce882760759f", foo: %Foo{bar: "baz"}}}

# Return just the struct or nil (like
MyApp.Accounts.User.fetch(by: "07949870-7d31-48cc-8883-ce882760759f", result_as_tuple: false)
# > %User{id: "07949870-7d31-48cc-8883-ce882760759f"}
# or
# > nil

Note: the `include` and `include!` work via DB joins so everything is just 1 `SELECT` SQL query.

SELECT u0."id", u0."email", u0."name", u0."inserted_at", u0."updated_at", f1."bar", f1."inserted_at", f1."updated_at" FROM "users" AS u0 LEFT OUTER JOIN "foos" AS f1 ON f1."user_id" = u0."id" WHERE (TRUE AND (u0."id" = $1)) [<<7, 148, 152, 112, 125, 49, 72, 204, 136, 131, 206, 136, 39, 96, 117, 159>>]

### list/1
Allows you to get zero or more entries from the database. It supports matching by one or more schema attributes and efficiently joining and preloading (non-nested) associations.

#### Examples

# Get all entries
# > [%User{id: "07949870-7d31-48cc-8883-ce882760759f", ...}, ...]

# Search by name AND age
MyApp.Accounts.User.list(by: [name: "John", age: 33])
# > [%User{id: 1, name: "John", age: 33, ...}, %User{id: 2, name: "John", age: 33, ...}, ...]

# If no entries are found it returns an empty list
MyApp.Accounts.User.list(by: [email: ""])
# > []

# Include the Foo association (via left join)
MyApp.Accounts.User.list(include: [:foo])
# > [%User{id: 1, foo: %Foo{bar: "baz"}}, %User{id: 2, foo: nil}, ...]

# Include the Foo association (via inner join)
MyApp.Accounts.User.list(include!: [:foo])
# > [%User{id: 1, foo: %Foo{bar: "baz"}}]

# Supports Ecto-style order_by
MyApp.Accounts.User.list(order_by: [desc: :name, asc: :id])
# > [%User{id: 2, name: "Liam"}, %User{id: 3, name: "Liam"}, %User{id: 1, name: "Anthony"}, ...]

# Another order_by example
MyApp.Accounts.User.list(order_by: :id) # orders by [asc: :id]
# > [%User{id: 1, name: "Anthony"}, %User{id: 2, name: "Liam"}, %User{id: 3, name: "Liam"}, ...]

Note: the default **order_by** is `[asc: :inserted_at]` so it plays nicely with UUID-type IDs.

## I thought I was supposed to use context modules for these kind of things
I found myself writing a lot of context modules that look like this:

defmodule MyApp.Accounts do
  def fetch_user(id) do
    |> where([u], == ^id)
    |> join(:left, [u], _ in assoc(u, :foo_asoc))
    |> preload([_, fa], [foo_asoc: fa])

  def fetch_user_by_email(email) do
    Repo.get_by(User, email: email)

  # ...

These are relatively small and simple functions but you still have to test them. *You DO test your functions, right*? The number of tests rises exponentially when you add a happy path and a few sad/error paths. Barna takes care of these simple functions for you.

**If your functions need to do something more than a basic select query you should still write a custom function in your context module and use that.**