# base45
An Base45-encoder/decoder in pure Erlang.
Source code at https://github.com/ratopi/base45.
Implementing encoding as defined in RFC 9285 (https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/rfc9285/).
## Import to your project
Use it in your project via rebar dependency:
{deps, [base45]}.
or for a specific release:
{deps, [{base45, "1.1.0"]}.
Or if you like to fetch the source code from github:
{rebar, {git, "https://github.com/ratopi/base45.git", {tag, "1.1.0"}}}.
See https://hex.pm/packages/base45 for more info about the hex package.
Overview of current releases are on the hex-page or at
## Usage
Usage is just straight forward.
Currently only binaries are supported.
Calling decode with an illegal input string (like <<"GGW">>, which leads to 65536),
will throw an `illegal_encoding` exception in a tuple, containing the problematic part of the input:
{illegal_encoding, <<"GGW">>}
Calling decode with an illegal input string with illegal base45 characters (that are characters not in
the base45 alphabet), will throw an `illegal_character` exception in a tuple, containing the problematic
part of the input:
{illegal_character, <<"=">>}
## Feedback and bugs
Feel free to give me any feedback you like via github:
## Breaking changes
With version 2.0.0 the typo in error atom "illegale_encoding" was fixed, and is now "illegal_encoding" (w/o "e").