## BaseModel
ActiveRecord for Ecto.
`{:base_model, "~> 0.2"},`
`BaseModel` provides a straightforward `__using__` macro to include common CRUD
functions in your models:
* `create(params)`
* `all()`
* `count(where_clause \\ :anything)`
* `find(id)`
* `first(where_clause)`
* `first_or_create(where_clause)`
* `where(where_clause)`
* `update(model, params)`
* `update_where(where_clause, params)`
* `delete(id_or_struct)`
* `delete_where(where_clause)`
* `delete_all`
All of these are overridable, and where appropriate, support options including
`:limit`, `:preload`, and `:order_by`. Custom create and update validation is
possible by overriding `create_changeset/1` or `update_changeset/1` in the
### Example
A model taken from the [example app][example-app]:
defmodule ExampleApp.Models.User do
use BaseModel, repo: ExampleApp.Repo
alias ExampleApp.Models.Problem
schema "users" do
field :name, :string
field :age, :integer
has_many :problems, Problem
Because ExampleApp.Repo has been specified in the `use` directive, BaseModel
methods can omit it:
iex> alias ExampleApp.Models.User
...> {:ok, chris} = User.create(name: "chris")
{:ok, %User{name: "chris", age: nil}}
...> User.update(chris, age: -1)
{:ok, %User{name: "chris", age: -1}}
...> User.count
...> User.where(name: "chris")
[%User{name: "chris", age: -1}]
### Getting Started
1. Setup your repo as you normally would, and create your models as usual.
2. To each model, add `use BaseModel, repo: YourApp.Repo`
3. Profit!
### Associations
`:belongs_to` associations can be specified during `create`, and can be used in
any query or params list, e.g.:
iex> {:ok, chris} = User.create(name: "chris")
# BaseModel will do the field mapping for you if you pass a struct to the association
...> Problem.create(user: chris, description: "...so I used regular expressions.")
# Or you could do it yourself:
...> Problem.create(user_id: chris.id, description: "now I have 100 problems.")
# In query-mode: (also works for `where`, `count`, `update_where`)
...> Problem.delete_where(user: chris)
{:ok, 2}
### Opts
BaseModel methods support an optional `opts` parameter, which accepts 3 values:
* `:preload`
* `:limit`
* `:order_by`
Each of these operates as a direct pass-thru to `Ecto`, so see their
documentation on available use. Note that these opts are sensibly applied, e.g.
passing `:limit` to `count` is ignored, etc.
iex> User.find(1, preload: :problems)
%User{name: "chris", problems: []}
### Overriding `*_changeset` methods
From the `Problem` model in [ExampleApp][example-app]
# in models/problem.ex:
schema "problems" do
field :description, :string
field :severity, :integer
belongs_to :user, User
@severities 1..5
@impl BaseModel
def create_changeset(params) do
|> cast(params, [:description, :severity, :user_id])
|> validate_inclusion(:severity, @severities)
@impl BaseModel
def update_changeset(model, params) do
|> cast(params, [:description, :severity, :user_id])
|> validate_inclusion(:severity, @severities)
The BaseModel method `create` will first extract association fields from your
params, then pass them to `create_changeset/1`. By overriding it as we have
here, custom validations can be applied, e.g. here, we've restricted severity
to be in 1..5.
Likewise, `update` will call `update_changeset`, and use the resulting changeset
in it's call to `Repo.update.`
### Closing comments
I wrote the first version of `BaseModel` back when Elixir 0.13 was the new
hotness and I was missing my old friend, ActiveRecord. I've found this query
interface suitable for many use-cases, but as soon as I have a need for a more
complicated query, I simply add it as a new method on the model. This way, all
of my Ecto code lives in the models, and in the models only. The sanity gained
from not spreading Ecto calls directly into the business logic cannot be
Please drop me a note if you end up using BaseModel in something cool, or file
an issue if you have difficulty, bugs, or ideas for a better API.
[example-app]: https://github.com/meyercm/base_model/tree/master/examples/example_app