# Baz
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A chain native hybrid bazaar engine

[Getting Started](./docs/ | [Commands](./docs/

## What Can I Do? TLDR;

Stream NFT market data to create and manage orders with a near-uniform API across multiple venues

## Venues In Progress

| Venue      | Collections | Events | Orders |
| ---------- | :---------: | :----: | :----: |
| OpenSea    |     [ ]     |  [ ]   |  [ ]   |
| LooksRare  |     [ ]     |  [ ]   |  [ ]   |
| X2Y2       |     [ ]     |  [ ]   |  [ ]   |
| Magic Eden |     [ ]     |  [ ]   |  [ ]   |
| Hyperspace |     [ ]     |  [ ]   |  [ ]   |

## Requirements

- TimescaleDB 2.5+
- Erlang 22+
- Elixir 1.13+

## Install

Add the `baz` package to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

def deps do
    {:baz, "~> 0.0.14"}

Create an `.iex.exs` file in the root of your project and import the `baz` helper

# .iex.exs
Application.put_env(:elixir, :ansi_enabled, true)

import Baz.IEx

Generate migrations

$ mix baz.gen.migration

Run migrations

$ mix ecto.migrate

## Upgrading Baz

Bump the required version number in `mix.exs` and download the dependencies.

$ mix deps.update baz

Regenerate new or updated migrations

$ mix baz.gen.migration

Rerun ecto migrations

$ mix ecto.migrate

## Development

Ensure an instance of TimescaleDB is running

$ make start.db

Run an interactive Elixir shell to control `baz` via the [REPL commands](./docs/

$ make start

## Test

$ make test

## Help Wanted :)

If you think this `baz` thing might be worthwhile and you don't see a feature
or venue listed we would love your contributions to add them! Feel free to
drop us an email or open a Github issue.

## Authors

- Alex Kwiatkowski -

## License

`baz` is released under the [MIT license](./LICENSE)