# BeamInspect
Inspect how your elixir module looks like in erlang / core erlang.
## Installation
The package can be installed by adding it to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:
def deps do
{:beam_inspect, github: "appunite/beam_inspect", only: [:dev], runtime: false}
## Usage
#### Example elixir module
defmodule Foo do
def baz do
:a == :b
#### Inspect erlang
iex(1)> Foo |> BeamInspect.to_erlang() |> IO.puts()
# -file("lib/foo.ex", 1).
# -module('Elixir.Foo').
# -compile(no_auto_import).
# -export(['__info__'/1, baz/0]).
# -spec '__info__'(attributes | compile | functions |
# macros | md5 | module | deprecated) -> atom() |
# [{atom(), any()} |
# {atom(), byte(),
# integer()}].
# '__info__'(module) -> 'Elixir.Foo';
# '__info__'(functions) -> [{baz, 0}];
# '__info__'(macros) -> [];
# '__info__'(attributes) ->
# erlang:get_module_info('Elixir.Foo', attributes);
# '__info__'(compile) ->
# erlang:get_module_info('Elixir.Foo', compile);
# '__info__'(md5) ->
# erlang:get_module_info('Elixir.Foo', md5);
# '__info__'(deprecated) -> [].
# baz() -> a == b.
#### Inspect core erlang
iex(1)> Foo |> BeamInspect.to_core_erlang(:noann) |> IO.puts()
# module 'Elixir.Foo' ['__info__'/1, 'baz'/0,
# 'module_info'/0, 'module_info'/1]
# attributes [% Line 1
# 'file' =
# % Line 1
# [{"lib/foo.ex", 1}],
# % Line 1
# 'compile' =
# % Line 1
# ['no_auto_import'],
# % Line 1
# 'spec' =
# % Line 1
# [{{'__info__', 1},
# [{'type', 1, 'fun',
# [{'type', 1, 'product',
# [{'type', 1, 'union',
# [{'atom', 1, 'attributes'},
# {'atom', 1, 'compile'},
# {'atom', 1, 'functions'},
# {'atom', 1, 'macros'}, {'atom', 1, 'md5'},
# {'atom', 1, 'module'},
# {'atom', 1, 'deprecated'}]}]},
# {'type', 1, 'union',
# [{'type', 1, 'atom', []},
# {'type', 1, 'list',
# [{'type', 1, 'union',
# [{'type', 1, 'tuple',
# [{'type', 1, 'atom', []},
# {'type', 1, 'any', []}]},
# {'type', 1, 'tuple',
# [{'type', 1, 'atom', []},
# {'type', 1, 'byte', []},
# {'type', 1, 'integer', []}]}]}]}]}]}]}]]
# '__info__'/1 =
# fun (_@c0) ->
# case _@c0 of
# 'module' when 'true' -> 'Elixir.Foo'
# 'functions' when 'true' -> [{'baz', 0}]
# 'macros' when 'true' -> []
# 'attributes' when 'true' ->
# call 'erlang':'get_module_info'('Elixir.Foo',
# 'attributes')
# 'compile' when 'true' ->
# call 'erlang':'get_module_info'('Elixir.Foo',
# 'compile')
# 'md5' when 'true' ->
# call 'erlang':'get_module_info'('Elixir.Foo',
# 'md5')
# 'deprecated' when 'true' -> []
# _@c1 when 'true' ->
# primop 'match_fail'({'function_clause',
# _@c1})
# end
# 'baz'/0 =
# % Line 2
# fun () ->
# % Line 3
# 'false'
# 'module_info'/0 =
# fun () ->
# call 'erlang':'get_module_info'('Elixir.Foo')
# 'module_info'/1 =
# fun (_@c0) ->
# call 'erlang':'get_module_info'('Elixir.Foo',
# _@c0)
# end