Minimal HTTP ClickHouse client.
iex> Mix.install([{:ch, github: "plausible/ch"}])
iex> {:ok, conn} = Ch.start_link(scheme: "http", hostname: "localhost", port: 8123)
iex> {:ok, _} = Ch.query(conn, "CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS helloworld")
iex> {:ok, _} = Ch.query(conn, """
CREATE TABLE helloworld.my_first_table
user_id UInt32,
message String,
timestamp DateTime,
metric Float32
ENGINE = MergeTree()
PRIMARY KEY (user_id, timestamp)
iex> {:ok, %{num_rows: 1}} = Ch.query(conn, "INSERT INTO helloworld.my_first_table VALUES (0, {$0:String}, now(), {$1:Float32})", ["test", -1.0])
iex> {:ok, _} = Ch.query(conn, "DELETE FROM helloworld.my_first_table WHERE user_id = 0", [], settings: [allow_experimental_lightweight_delete: 1])
iex> types = [:u32, :string, :datetime, :f32]
iex> rows = [
[101, "Hello, ClickHouse!", ~N[2023-01-06 03:50:38], -1.0],
[102, "Insert a lot of rows per batch", ~N[2023-01-05 00:00:00], 1.41421],
[102, "Sort your data based on your commonly-used queries", ~N[2023-01-06 00:00:00], 2.718],
[101, "Granules are the smallest chunks of data read", ~N[2023-01-06 03:55:38], 3.14159]
iex> stream =, fn row -> Ch.RowBinary.encode_row(row, types) end)
iex> {:ok, %{num_rows: 4}} = Ch.query(conn, "INSERT INTO helloworld.my_first_table(user_id, message, timestamp, metric) FORMAT RowBinary", stream)
iex> {:ok, %{rows: rows}} = Ch.query(conn, "SELECT * FROM helloworld.my_first_table")
iex> rows
[101, "Hello, ClickHouse!", ~N[2023-01-06 03:50:38], -1.0],
[101, "Granules are the smallest chunks of data read", ~N[2023-01-06 03:55:38], 3.141590118408203],
[102, "Insert a lot of rows per batch", ~N[2023-01-05 00:00:00], 1.4142099618911743],
[102, "Sort your data based on your commonly-used queries", ~N[2023-01-06 00:00:00], 2.7179999351501465]
iex> {:ok, %{rows: rows}} = Ch.query(conn, "SELECT * FROM helloworld.my_first_table WHERE user_id = {user_id:Int8}", %{"user_id" => 101})
iex> rows
[101, "Hello, ClickHouse!", ~N[2023-01-06 03:50:38], -1.0],
[101, "Granules are the smallest chunks of data read", ~N[2023-01-06 03:55:38], 3.141590118408203]
iex> {:ok, %{rows: csv}} = Ch.query(conn, "SELECT * FROM helloworld.my_first_table", [], format: "CSV")
iex> IO.puts(csv)
101,"Hello, ClickHouse!","2023-01-06 03:50:38",-1
101,"Granules are the smallest chunks of data read","2023-01-06 03:55:38",3.14159
102,"Insert a lot of rows per batch","2023-01-05 00:00:00",1.41421
102,"Sort your data based on your commonly-used queries","2023-01-06 00:00:00",2.718
### Examples
- Queries with parameters
statement = "SELECT {a:Array(UInt8)}, {b:UInt8}, {c:String}, {d:DateTime}"
params = %{a: [1,2], b: 123, c: "123", d: ~N[2023-01-06 03:06:32]}
{:ok, %{num_rows: 1, rows: [[[1, 2], 123, "123", ~N[2023-01-06 03:06:32]]]}} = Ch.query(conn, statement, params)
- CSV inserts
{:ok, _} = Ch.query(conn, "CREATE TABLE example(a UInt32, b String) ENGINE=Memory")
csv = """
File.write!("example.csv", csv)
{:ok, _} = Ch.query(conn, "INSERT INTO example(a, b) FORMAT CSV",!("example.csv"))
- CSV with headers inserts
csv = """
File.write!("example.csv", csv)
{:ok, _} = Ch.query(conn, "INSERT INTO example FORMAT CSVWithNames",!("example.csv"))
- Custom [settings](
iex> Ch.query(conn, "SHOW SETTINGS LIKE 'async_insert'", [], settings: [async_insert: 1])
{:ok, %{num_rows: 1, rows: [["async_insert", "Bool", "1"]]}}
iex> Ch.query(conn, "CREATE TABLE example3(a UInt8) ENGINE=Memory", [], settings: [readonly: 1])
code: 164,
message: "Code: 164. DB::Exception: default: Cannot execute query in readonly mode. (READONLY) (version (official build))\n"