# Behave
> Behaviour driven development for ExUnit with product management friendly readable scenarios.

## Features
* Minimal DSL on top of ExUnit.
* given, act, check instead of given, when, then to avoid naming collisions.
* Api can be used without macros, if necessary
* Steps are just functions, scenarios are just ExUnit tests.
* Not a full gherkin implementation, it just gives you the ability to decompose tests into reusable named steps.
* Separate DSLs for defining scenarios and implementing test steps.
* Dependency Free. Use whatever assertion, mocking and testing libraries you want.
## Usage
Assuming you have a BDD stlye scenario like this:
Scenario make coffee
Given a coffee machine
And it has 250 ml of water in its tank
And it has java coffee beans in its reservoir
When i press the "make coffee" button
Then it makes coffee
In your ExUnit test, use the `Behave` module:
defmodule MyCoffeeMachineTest do
use ExUnit.Case
use Behave, steps: [MyCoffeeMachineTestSteps]
Notice we're passing `:steps` to `Behave`, this is the module where you define your test steps.
Then, use the `Behave` DSL to implement your scenario:
defmodule MyCoffeeMachineTest do
use ExUnit.Case
use Behave, steps: [MyCoffeeMachineTestSteps]
scenario "make coffee with dsl" do
given "coffee machine"
given "it has water", amount: 250
given "it has coffee", cultivar: :java
act "i press the button"
check "it makes coffee"
Your `TestSteps` modules should be defined in a directory that gets picked up by the compiler, such as `test/support`.
In those modules, you need to define a step function for each test step (given, act, check).
defmodule TestSteps do
use Behave.Scenario # for access to the step definition DSL
import ExUnit.Assertions
given "coffee machine" do
{:coffee_machine, CoffeeMachine.new()}
The `given` macro expects you to return a tuple of an atom that will be used to refer to the returned value, and the value that should be available to subsequent steps.
You can run arbitrary code before returning the tuple. If you do not need the `given` steps to produce any values, any return value that is not wrapped in a tuple will be ignored.
In a `given` step, you have access to the values that other `givens` have emitted via the second argument. All macros come with several variants with different arities and guard clauses to access values emitted from previous steps and arguments passed in from the scenario. The arguments are always a keyword list and always the last argument.
# in scenario:
given "it has water", amount: 250
# in step definition:
given "it has water", data, amount: amount do
{:coffee_machine, CoffeeMachine.add_water(data.coffee_machine, amount)}
Because extracting a value, processing it and then reassigning it to the same kay is a common pattern, there is a shorthand notation for it.
If you pass in a function as the second argument of the tuple, the function will be executed, and the value of the key will be passed in, if it has been set by a prior step.
The value will be overwritten with this function's return value, similar to how `update_in` works.
given "it has water", amount: amount do
{:coffee_machine, &CoffeeMachine.add_water(&1, amount)}
`act` works the same. The main difference is that tuples returned from `act` steps will be assigned to a different map than those from `givens`. This is to separate the prerequisites of a test from its results, and to make comparisons between what was and what is easier.
`act` can accept arguments, just as `given` can.
act "i press the button", data do
{:coffee, CoffeeMachine.brew(data.coffee_machine)}
Note that it is not possible to overwrite values set in `givens`. If you need to modify a value created by a `given`, use a `given`.
The passed in data is a `Map`. You can also use pattern matching to extract values in a concise way:
given "it has water", %{coffee_machine: it}, amount: amount do
{:coffee_machine, CoffeeMachine.add_water(it, amount)}
act "i press the button", %{coffee_machine: it} do
{:coffee, CoffeeMachine.brew(it)}
Finally, run your assertions in a `check` step:
check "it makes coffee", results do
assert results.coffee != :disappointment
`check`s cannot store any values. Their return values are always discarded. However, they have access to both the `data` and `results` maps.
The values produced in the `act` steps are available in a `check` step through its first argument.
If you need to access the values emitted in `given`, they are passed in as the second argument.
`data` contains all the values set in `given` steps, and `results` contains the values from the `act` steps.
> Note that `given` and `act` receives `data` as its first argument, but `check` receives `results` as its first argument. This is done to make the common case less verbose to write.
check "it makes coffee, when given water and coffee", results, data do
assert results.coffee != :disappointment
assert data.coffee_machine.water_ml != 0
assert data.coffee_machine.coffee != nil
If you need to access `data`, but not `results`, just assign `data` to `_`:
check "there's still water and coffee in the machine after brewing", _, data do
assert data.coffee_machine.water_ml != 0
assert data.coffee_machine.coffee != nil
`check` can also accept arguments passed in from the scenario. These are expected to be keyword lists and will always be available as the last argument.
check "it makes the right kind of coffee", results, coffee_variant: variant do
{:coffee, cup} = results.coffee
assert cup |> String.contains(variant)
check "after making coffee, the tank isnt empty", results, data, tolerable_water_remaining: rest_ml do
assert results.coffee != :disappointment
assert data.coffee_machine.water_ml >= rest_ml
The tests created by the macros are just ExUnit tests.
To run your tests, just `mix test` them 🎉
## Migrating from 0.1.x
* It is no longer necessary to return `:ignore` from `given` and `act`. Any value returned that is not wrapped in a tuple will be discarded.
* The implicitly-available `data` and `results` variables no longer exist. You now have to explicitly state that you want to access them in the arguments to a step.
* If you want to access a value from an earlier `given` in a `given` step, you no longer _have_ to use a lambda. You still can, as a shorthand, but it's no longer the only or preferred way. This should reduce the need to wrap the values emitted in `given` steps in further maps as well as "hacky" solutions making use of lambdas to access one key and emit into another.
### How to refactor
1) find all usages of `data` and `results`, and explicitly add them to the step arguments.
2) Any arguments you already have there, passing in values from the scenarios, should be in the form of a keyword list and always in the last position. Passing in anything but a keyword list will not work, but the macros are smart enough to figure out if you want to access any combination of `data`, `results` and scenario arguments.
3) Optionally, get rid of any hacks to work around not having access to `data` in `givens`. Those are still supported, but no longer necessary.
## Installation
The package is available on [hex.pm](https://hex.pm/packages/behave_bdd) and can be installed
by adding `behave_bdd` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:
def deps do
{:behave_bdd, "~> 0.2.0"}
Documentation can be generated with [ExDoc](https://github.com/elixir-lang/ex_doc)
and published on [HexDocs](https://hexdocs.pm). Once published, the docs can
be found at <https://hexdocs.pm/behave_bdd>.