# Bento [![ci](https://img.shields.io/github/actions/workflow/status/folz/bento/build-test.yml?label=CI&logo=github&style=flat-square)](https://github.com/folz/bento/actions/workflows/build-test.yml?style=flat-square) [![hex.pm](https://img.shields.io/hexpm/v/bento.svg?label=Hex&style=flat-square)](https://hex.pm/packages/bento)
Bento is a new [Bencoding](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bencode) library for Elixir focusing on incredibly fast **speed** without sacrificing **simplicity**, **completeness**, or **correctness**.
It takes inspiration from [Poison](https://github.com/devinus/poison), a pure-Elixir JSON library, and uses several techniques found there to achieve this speed:
- Extensive [sub-binary matching](http://erlang.org/euc/07/papers/1700Gustafsson.pdf).
- A hand-rolled **parser** using several techniques [known to benefit HiPE](http://erlang.org/workshop/2003/paper/p36-sagonas.pdf) for native compilation.
- [IO list](http://jlouisramblings.blogspot.com/2013/07/problematic-traits-in-erlang.html) encoding.
- **Single-pass** decoding.
Additionally, and unlike some other Elixir bencoding libraries, Bento will also reject all malformed input. This guarantees you're working with a well-formed bencoded file.
Preliminary [benchmarking](#benchmarking) shows that Bento performs over 2x faster when encoding, and at least as fast when decoding, compared to other existing Elixir libraries.
## Documentation
Documentation is [available on Hexdocs](https://hexdocs.pm/bento).
## Installation
Bento is [available in Hex](https://hex.pm/packages/bento). The package can be installed by:
1. Add bento to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:
{:bento, "~> 1.0"}
2. Then, update your dependencies.
$ mix do deps.get + deps.compile
## Usage
Encoding an Elixir data type:
iex> Bento.encode([1, "two", [3]])
{:ok, "li1e3:twoli3eee"}
iex> Bento.encode!(%{"foo" => ["bar", "baz"], "qux" => "norf"})
Decoding a bencoded string:
iex> Bento.decode("li1e3:twoli3eee")
{:ok, [1, "two", [3]]}
iex> Bento.decode!("d3:fool3:bar3:baze3:qux4:norfe")
%{"foo" => ["bar", "baz"], "qux" => "norf"}
Bento is also metainfo-aware and comes with a `*.torrent` decoder out of the box:
iex> File.read!("./test/_data/ubuntu-14.04.4-desktop-amd64.iso.torrent") |> Bento.torrent!()
info: %Bento.Metainfo.SingleFile{
length: 1069547520,
md5sum: nil,
"piece length": 524288,
pieces: <<109, 235, 143, 234, 36, 25, 142, 36, 20, 3, 227, 227, 134, 136,
205, 130, 176, 104, 192, 33, 45, 230, 152, 2, 239, 131, 240, 217, 180,
251, 153, 170, 31, 127, 175, 166, 9, 254, 133, 8, 42, 229, 43, 139, 86,
private: 0,
name: "ubuntu-14.04.4-desktop-amd64.iso"
announce: "http://torrent.ubuntu.com:6969/announce",
"announce-list": [
"creation date": ~U[2016-02-18 20:12:51Z],
comment: "Ubuntu CD releases.ubuntu.com",
"created by": nil,
encoding: nil
In addition to parsing torrents via `Bento.torrent!/1`, It's also available decoding any bencoded data into any struct you choose, like so:
defmodule Name do
defstruct [:family, :given]
iex> Bento.decode!("d6:family4:Folz5:given6:Rodneye", as: %Name{})
%Name{family: "Folz", given: "Rodney"}
## Benchmarking
$ MIX_ENV=bench mix bench
We currently benchmark against: [Bento](https://github.com/folz/bento) (this project), [bencode](https://github.com/gausby/bencode), [Bencodex](https://github.com/patrickgombert/Bencodex), and [bencoder](https://github.com/alehander42/bencoder).
We are aware of, but unable to benchmark against: [exbencode](https://github.com/antifuchs/exbencode) (build errors), and [elixir_bencode](https://github.com/AntonFagerberg/elixir_bencode) (module name conflicts with Bencode).
PRs that add libraries to the benchmarks are greatly appreciated!
## License