# BentoSdk
An Elixir SDK for the [Bento](https://bentonow.com/) email marketing and automation platform.
## Installation
Add `bento_sdk` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:
def deps do
{:bento_sdk, "~> 0.1.0"}
## Configuration
Configure the SDK in your `config.exs` (or environment-specific config file) using environment variables:
config :bento_sdk, BentoSdk,
site_uuid: System.get_env("BENTO_SITE_UUID", "your_site_uuid"),
username: System.get_env("BENTO_USERNAME", "your_username"),
password: System.get_env("BENTO_PASSWORD", "your_password")
Alternatively, you can set the configuration at runtime:
site_uuid: "your-site-uuid",
username: "your-username",
password: "your-password"
These credentials can be found under "Your Private API Keys" in your Bento account.
## Usage
The SDK is organized into modules by functionality:
### Subscriber Methods
# Find a subscriber
{:ok, subscriber} = BentoSdk.Subscribers.find("user@example.com")
# Create a subscriber
{:ok, subscriber} = BentoSdk.Subscribers.create("user@example.com")
# Find or create a subscriber
{:ok, subscriber} = BentoSdk.Subscribers.find_or_create("user@example.com")
# Update a subscriber
{:ok, result} = BentoSdk.Subscribers.update("user@example.com", %{first_name: "John", last_name: "Doe"})
# Subscribe a user
{:ok, result} = BentoSdk.Subscribers.subscribe("user@example.com")
# Unsubscribe a user
{:ok, result} = BentoSdk.Subscribers.unsubscribe("user@example.com")
# Change a subscriber's email
{:ok, result} = BentoSdk.Subscribers.change_email("old@example.com", "new@example.com")
### Tag Methods
# Get all tags
{:ok, tags} = BentoSdk.Tags.get()
# Create a new tag
{:ok, tag} = BentoSdk.Tags.create("new_tag")
# Add a tag to a subscriber
{:ok, result} = BentoSdk.Subscribers.add_tag("user@example.com", "vip")
# Add a tag via an event
{:ok, result} = BentoSdk.Subscribers.add_tag_via_event("user@example.com", "vip")
# Remove a tag from a subscriber
{:ok, result} = BentoSdk.Subscribers.remove_tag("user@example.com", "vip")
### Field Methods
# Get all fields
{:ok, fields} = BentoSdk.Fields.get()
# Create a new field
{:ok, field} = BentoSdk.Fields.create("company")
# Add a field to a subscriber
{:ok, result} = BentoSdk.Subscribers.add_field("user@example.com", "company", "Acme Inc.")
# Remove a field from a subscriber
{:ok, result} = BentoSdk.Subscribers.remove_field("user@example.com", "company")
### Event Methods
# Track an event
{:ok, result} = BentoSdk.Events.track("user@example.com", "page_viewed", %{
page: "/products"
}, %{
browser: "Chrome"
# Import events in bulk
{:ok, result} = BentoSdk.Events.import_events([
email: "user1@example.com",
type: "page_viewed",
fields: %{page: "/products"}
email: "user2@example.com",
type: "product_added_to_cart",
fields: %{product_id: "123"}
### Email Methods
# Send an email
{:ok, result} = BentoSdk.Emails.send(
"Welcome to our service",
"<h1>Welcome!</h1><p>Thanks for signing up.</p>",
"first_name" => "John"
# Send a transactional email
{:ok, result} = BentoSdk.Emails.send_transactional(
"Your order has shipped",
"<h1>Order Shipped</h1><p>Your order #123 has shipped.</p>",
"first_name" => "John",
"order_number" => "123"
### Stats API Methods
# Get site statistics
{:ok, stats} = BentoSdk.Stats.get_site()
# Get segment statistics
{:ok, stats} = BentoSdk.Stats.get_segment("segment_id")
# Get report statistics
{:ok, stats} = BentoSdk.Stats.get_report("report_id")
### Utility API Methods
# Moderate content for profanity and inappropriate content
{:ok, result} = BentoSdk.Utility.moderate_content("This is some content to check")
# Guess the gender of a name
{:ok, result} = BentoSdk.Utility.guess_gender("Alex")
# Geolocate an IP address
{:ok, result} = BentoSdk.Utility.geolocate("")
# Validate an email
{:ok, result} = BentoSdk.Utility.validate_email("user@example.com")
# Check against Jesse's ruleset
{:ok, reasons} = BentoSdk.Utility.jesses_ruleset("user@example.com", block_free_providers: true)
# Check if a domain or IP is blacklisted
{:ok, result} = BentoSdk.Utility.check_blacklist(%{domain: "example.com"})
### Broadcasts API Methods
# Get all broadcasts
{:ok, broadcasts} = BentoSdk.Broadcasts.get()
# Create a new broadcast
{:ok, broadcast} = BentoSdk.Broadcasts.create(%{
name: "Welcome Email",
subject: "Welcome to our service!",
body: "<h1>Welcome!</h1><p>Thanks for signing up.</p>",
from_email: "welcome@example.com",
inclusive_tags: ["new_signup"],
exclusive_tags: ["unsubscribed"],
segment_id: "segment_123"
## Interactive Documentation
The SDK includes comprehensive Livebook files for interactive documentation and examples:
### General
- `livebook/index.livemd`: Directory of all Livebook resources
### API-Specific Documentation
- `livebook/subscribers_api.livemd`: Working with subscribers
- `livebook/events_api.livemd`: Tracking and importing events
- `livebook/emails_api.livemd`: Sending emails and transactional emails
- `livebook/tags_api.livemd`: Managing tags
- `livebook/fields_api.livemd`: Managing fields
- `livebook/broadcasts_api.livemd`: Working with broadcasts
- `livebook/stats_api.livemd`: Retrieving statistics
- `livebook/utility_api.livemd`: Content moderation, gender guessing, and geolocation
Each Livebook provides interactive examples with forms that allow you to experiment with the API in real-time.
## License
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.