# Better Number

`BetterNumber` is an Elixir library which provides functions to convert numbers into a variety of different formats. It is a fork of [Daniel Berkompas's Number]( but it

1. Has slightly more features

2. Does not perform any configuration lookups and therefore each function is __100% pure__.

3. Has no `__using__` to import functions

4. Has correct type specifications

5. Actively maintained

## Features

* Conversion to currency, where everything is customizable


* Conversion to international phone format

BetterNumber.to_phone(1112223333, area_code: true, country_code: 1)
"+1 (111) 222-3333"

* Conversion to percentage

BetterNumber.to_percentage(100, precision: 0)

* Conversion to human readable format

"1.23 Thousand"

* Just splitting the number with commas


> Note:
> Every function is extremely customizable, and has a ton of options

## Installation

Get it from Hex:

defp deps do
    {:better_number, "~> 1.0.1"}

Then run `mix deps.get`.

## Usage

defmodule MyModule do
  alias BetterNumber, as: Number


See the [Hex documentation]( for more information
about the modules provided by `BetterNumber`.

## License

MIT. See [LICENSE]( for more details.