# WeightedRandom
Elixir weighted random pick library optimised for quick `take_one` and `take_n` operations.
`take_one\1` and `take_n\2` behaviours are compatible with `Enum.random\1` and `Enum.take_random\2` and can almost be drop-in replacements, except that `WeightedRandom` accepts elements in format `{element :: any(), weight :: number()}`.
## Installation
The package can be installed
by adding `better_weighted_random` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:
def deps do
{:better_weighted_random, "~> 0.1.0"}
## Usage
`WeightedRandom.take_one\1` returns one random element from input, with probability based on weights.
iex> :rand.seed(:exsss, {100, 101, 102})
iex> WeightedRandom.take_one([{:'1', 0.5}, {:'2', 1.0}, {:'3', 2.0}])
`WeightedRandom.take_n\1` returns n random elements from input, with probability based on weights. Similar to `Enum.take_random\2` element can not be picked twice.
iex> :rand.seed(:exsss, {100, 101, 102})
iex> WeightedRandom.take_n([{:'1', 0.5}, {:'2', 1.0}, {:'3', 2.0}], 2)
[:"3", :"1"]
## Probability and weight
Probability of picking an element directly depends on its weight. `Probability = element_weight / sum(all_weights)`
iex> :rand.seed(:exsss, {100, 101, 102})
iex> Enum.map(1..1000, fn _ -> WeightedRandom.take_one([{:'1', 1.0}, {:'2', 2.0}, {:'3', 1.0}]) end) |> Enum.frequencies()
"1": 231,
"2": 522,
"3": 247
## Searcher and quick lookups
You can create searcher with `WeightedRandom.create_searcher\1` for optimised lookups with `take_one\1` and `take_n\2`.
iex> searcher = WeightedRandom.create_searcher([{:'1', 1.0}, {:'2', 2.0}, {:'3', 1.0}])
iex> :rand.seed(:exsss, {100, 101, 102})
iex> WeightedRandom.take_one(searcher)
iex> rand.seed(:exsss, {100, 101, 102})
iex> WeightedRandom.take_n(searcher, 2)
[:"3", :"1"]
Using searcher is quicker if you do repetative calls.
elements = Enum.map(1..10000, fn i -> {:"el#{i}", :rand.uniform()} end)
searcher = WeightedRandom.create_searcher(elements)
### WeightedRandom.take_one/1
Name ips average deviation median 99th %
take_one with searcher 787.69 K 0.00127 ms ±2423.14% 0.00109 ms 0.00180 ms
take_one with list 0.137 K 7.29 ms ±17.57% 7.03 ms 11.42 ms
take_one with searcher 787.69 K
take_one with list 0.137 K - 5740.48x slower +7.29 ms
### WeightedRandom.take_n/2 take 100 elements
Name ips average deviation median 99th %
take_n 100 with searcher 7.26 K 0.138 ms ±30.77% 0.124 ms 0.32 ms
take_n 100 with list 0.106 K 9.43 ms ±12.97% 8.96 ms 12.29 ms
take_n 100 with searcher 7.26 K
take_n 100 with list 0.106 K - 68.46x slower +9.30 ms
## Docs
Docs are availiable at <https://hexdocs.pm/better_weighted_random>