defmodule BexioApiClient.Contacts.AdditionalAddress do
@moduledoc """
Bexio Additional Address Module.
@typedoc """
Bexio Additional Address.
## Fields:
* `:id` - automatic id given by bexio
* `:name` - name
* `:address` - street and additional address information
* `:postcode` - postal code / zip
* `:city` - city
* `:country_id` - reference to a TODO: country object
* `:subject` - title for the address
* `:description` - full description of the address (internal)
@type t :: %__MODULE__{
id: integer(),
name: String.t(),
address: String.t(),
postcode: String.t(),
city: String.t(),
country_id: integer(),
subject: String.t(),
description: String.t()
@enforce_keys [
defstruct [