# bheap

> [Binomial heap]( in Elixir

## Install

In your `mix.exs`:

defp deps do
    {:bheap, "~> 1.0.0"}

Then run `mix deps.get`.

## API

Documentation is available in [HexDocs](

### ``, ``

Creates a new empty heap. When given an enumerable, it will populate the new heap with it.

### `BHeap.put/2`

Puts a new value in a heap.

### `BHeap.min/1`

Returns the minimum element of a heap.

### `BHeap.remove_min/1`

Removes the minimum element from a heap.

### `BHeap.merge/2`

Merges two heaps.

### `BHeap.sort/1`

Sorts the given heap and returns a list.

## License

MIT © [Juan Soto](