# Bildad

Framework for running async jobs in an Elixir LiveView application.

Bildad is designed to run in a cluster of nodes that are NOT connected but share the same database.

A JobKiller application runs on each node looking for jobs to kill on that node.

A controller listens for requests to run the engine so that jobs will be started on ONE node.

Jobs that time out will eventually be killed. Jobs that die but are not killed will be expired.

A message with a configurable number of retires is put in the job queue to run a job. When the job is completed, killed or expired it is removed from the queue table. Entries in the queue can have the following status:


After the maximum number of retires messages are removed from the jobs queue.

Each run of a job in the message queue is stored in the `job runs` table. It contains the retry number and information about how long the job took along with the following:

* status (RUNNING, DONE)
* reason (text description of why a run failed)

## Installation

If [available in Hex](, the package can be installed
by adding `bildad` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

def deps do
    {:bildad, "~> 0.1.0"}

Run the mix task to install the necessary migration and controller.

mix bildad.install

Follow the instructions for modifying the `router.ex` file.

post "/jobs/engine/run", Jobs.JobsController, :run_job_engine

Follow the instructions for modifying the `application.ex` file.

{Bildad.Job.JobKiller, check_time_in_seconds: 20},

> [!NOTE]
> You must call the run_job_engine periodically (via cron for example).

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