# binance.ex

Elixir wrapper for interacting with the [Binance API](

## Installation

1. The package can be installed by adding `binance` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

def deps do
    {:binance, "~> 1.0"}

2. Add your Binance API credentials to your `config.exs` file, like so (you can create a new API
   key [here](

config :binance,
  api_key: "xxx",
  secret_key: "xxx",
  end_point: "" # Add for the US API end point. The default is for ""

## Usage

Documentation available at [](

Get all prices

iex> Binance.get_all_prices
 [%Binance.SymbolPrice{price: "0.07718300", symbol: "ETHBTC"},
  %Binance.SymbolPrice{price: "0.01675400", symbol: "LTCBTC"},
  %Binance.SymbolPrice{price: "0.00114690", symbol: "BNBBTC"},
  %Binance.SymbolPrice{price: "0.00655900", symbol: "NEOBTC"},
  %Binance.SymbolPrice{price: "0.00030000", symbol: "123456"},
  %Binance.SymbolPrice{price: "0.04754000", symbol: "QTUMETH"},
  %Binance.SymbolPrice{price: "0.00778500", symbol: "EOSETH"}

Buy 100 REQ for the current market price

iex> Binance.order_market_buy("REQETH", 100)
{:ok, %{}}

## Trade pair normalization

For convenience, all functions that require a symbol in the form of "ETHBTC" also accept a
`%Binance.TradePair{}` struct in the form of `%Binance.TradePair{from: "ETH", to: "BTC"}`. The order of symbols in `%Binance.TradePair{}` does not matter. All symbols are also case insensitive.

`Binance.find_symbol/1` will return the correct string representation as it is listed on binance

Binance.find_symbol(%Binance.TradePair{from: "ReQ", to: "eTH"})
{:ok, "REQETH"}

Binance.find_symbol(%Binance.TradePair{from: "ETH", to: "REQ"})
{:ok, "REQETH"}

## License