defmodule BinanceHttp.Api.V3.Market do
@doc """
Endpoints for Market Trade
use BinanceHttp.Api
@doc """
### Exchange Information
Current exchange trading rules and symbol information
For example:
with `symbol` param:
BinanceHttp.Api.V3.Market.exchange_info(%{symbol: "BNBBTC"})
with `symbols` param:
BinanceHttp.Api.V3.Market.exchange_info(%{symbols: ["BNBBTC", "ETHUSDT"]})
action :exchange_info,
endpoint: {:get, "/api/v3/exchangeInfo"},
auth_type: :none,
params: [
symbol: {:string, default: nil},
symbols: {{:array, :string}, default: nil}
@doc """
### Order Book
> symbol - string, mandatory
> limit - integer, no mandatory (default 100)
For example:
BinanceHttp.Api.V3.Market.order_book(%{symbol: "ETHBTC", limit: 10})
action :order_book,
endpoint: {:get, "/api/v3/depth"},
auth_type: :none,
params: [
symbol: :string,
limit: {:integer, default: 100}
@doc """
### Recent Trades List
> symbol - string, mandatory
> limit - integer, no mandatory (default 500)
For example:
BinanceHttp.Api.V3.Market.recent_trades_list(%{symbol: "ETHBTC", limit: 10})
action :recent_trades_list,
endpoint: {:get, "/api/v3/trades"},
auth_type: :market_data,
params: [
symbol: :string,
limit: {:integer, default: nil}
@doc """
### Old Trade Lookup
> symbol - string, mandatory
> limit - integer, no mandatory (default 500)
> formId - integer, no mandatory (default )
For example:
BinanceHttp.Api.V3.Market.recent_trades_list(%{symbol: "ETHBTC", limit: 10})
action :historical_trades,
endpoint: {:get, "/api/v3/historicalTrades"},
auth_type: :market_data,
params: [
symbol: :string,
limit: {:integer, default: 500},
fromId: {:integer, default: nil}
@doc """
### Compressed/Aggregate Trades List
> symbol - string, mandatory
> limit - integer, no mandatory (default 500)
> formId - integer, no mandatory (default )
For example:
BinanceHttp.Api.V3.Market.aggTrades(%{symbol: "ETHBTC", limit: 10})
action :aggTrades,
endpoint: {:get, "/api/v3/aggTrades"},
auth_type: :none,
params: [
symbol: :string,
fromId: {:integer, default: nil},
startTime: {:date_time, default: nil},
endTime: {:date_time, default: nil},
limit: {:integer, default: 1000}
@doc """
### Current Average Price
Current average price for a symbol.
> symbol - string, mandatory,
For example:
action :current_average_price,
endpoint: {:get, "/api/v3/avgPrice"},
auth_type: :none,
params: [
symbol: :string,