# Bintree

The module allows you to generate your own binary trees and display them beautifully.

## Installation

This package [available in Hex]( and can be installed
by adding `bintree` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

def deps do
    {:bintree, "~> 1.1.0"}

## Usage

```elixir, &(&1*2), &(&1 * 3), 4) 
|> Bintree.to_string() 
|> IO.puts()

#   Result:
#               2               
#               |               
#       /---------------\       
#       |               |       
#       4               6       
#       |               |       
#   /-------\       /-------\   
#   |       |       |       |   
#   8      12      12      18   
#   |       |       |       |   
# /---\   /---\   /---\   /---\ 
# |   |   |   |   |   |   |   | 
#16  24  24  36  24  36  36  54 

[Documentation on hex](