# Bio Ex

Bioinformatics tools for Elixir.

## Modules

### Restriction

An Elixir implementation for restriction enzyme data based on the REBASE

### Sequence

Sequence manipulations, validations and general IUPAC data.

## Tasks

### bio.restriction.\*

#### update

Download and build the restriction enzymes using the REBASE Emboss files.


- `--email/-p`: email to use as password for the FTP of REBASE files
- `--cache-dir/-d`: directory to look for and store the emboss files

#### download

Download the REBASE emboss files. If the files exist in `--cache-dir`, then the
download will be skipped.


- `--email/-p`: email to use as password for the FTP of REBASE files
- `--cache-dir/-d`: directory to look for and store the emboss files

#### build

Generate `Bio.Restriction.Enzyme` module content from the REBASE emboss files
using the `Bio.Rebase.Emboss.parse/1` function.


- `--cache-dir/-d`: directory to look the emboss files

### bio.random

#### dna

Generate a number of random DNA sequences. See [Erlang]( docs to understand the
available options for algorithms.


- `--seed/-s`: seed value for the RNG (defaults to `:random` defaults)
- `--algorithm/-a`: algorithm value for the RNG (defaults to `:exsss`)
- `--outfile/-f`: path for output to be loaded (required)
- `--seq-size/-z`: size for the generated sequence in nucleotides (required)
- `--seq-count/-c`: number of sequences to generate (required)

## Installation

(not just yet)
If [available in Hex](, the package can be installed
by adding `restrict_ex` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

def deps do
    {:bio_ex, "~> 0.1.0"}

Documentation can be generated with [ExDoc](
and published on [HexDocs]( Once published, the docs can
be found at [](


- Handle double cutting