# 🐦⬛ Birdie - snapshot testing in Gleam
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Snapshot testing allows you to perform assertions without having to write the
expectation yourself. Birdie will store a snapshot of the expected value and
compare future runs of the same test against it. Imagine doing a
`should.equal(expected, got)` where you don't have to take care of writing the
expected output.
## Writing snapshot tests with Birdie
First you'll want to add the package to your dependencies:
gleam add --dev birdie
To write snapshot tests you can import the `birdie` module and use the
[`snap`](https://hexdocs.pm/birdie/birdie.html#snap) function:
import gleeunit
import birdie
pub fn main() {
pub fn hello_birdie_test() {
"🐦⬛ Smile for the birdie!"
|> birdie.snap(title: "my first snapshot")
// All snapshots must have a unique title!
This will record a new snapshot with the given title and content. A snapshot
test will always fail on its first run until you review and accept it.
Once you've reviewed and accepted a snapshot, the test will fail only if the
snapshot's content changes; in that case you will be presented with a diff and
asked to review it once again.
A typical workflow will look like this:
- Run your tests
- If you have any new snapshots - or some of the snapshots have changed - some
tests will fail
- Review all the new snapshots deciding if you want to keep the new version or
the previously accepted one
- And don't forget to commit your snapshots! Those should be treated like
code and checked with the vcs you're using
## Reviewing snapshots
Birdie also provides a CLI tool to help you in the review process: run
`gleam run -m birdie` in your project and birdie will help you interactively
review all your new snapshots.
> The CLI tool can also do more than just guide you through all your snapshots
> one by one. To check all the available options you can run
> `gleam run -m birdie help`
## References
This package was heavily inspired by the excellent Rust library
[`insta`](https://insta.rs), do check it out!
## Contributing
If you think there's any way to improve this package, or if you spot a bug don't
be afraid to open PRs, issues or requests of any kind!
Any contribution is welcome 💜