# BitcoinLib


Want to interact with the Bitcoin network through a DIY app? Look no further, this library 
is about doing it with [Elixir](, whether you know what it is or not 
in the simplest way possible. It makes abstraction of most of the cryptography jargon, while sticking
to the [Bitcoin glossary](

# How to use

For non-elixir developers, here is a [getting started tutorial](

Otherwise here are the most useful links 

- [Hex package]( 
- [Hex documentation](
- [Git repository](
- [Useful links](
- [Examples](

### Add as a dependency in `mix.exs`

def deps do
    {:bitcoinlib, "~> 0.1.0"}

# Technicalities

This lib can

- Generate entropy with dice rolls
- Create private keys
- Derive public keys from private keys
- Handle Hierarchical Deterministic (HD) Wallets, including
  - Mnemonic Phrases
  - Derivation Paths
- Serialize/Deserialize Private Keys (`xprv`, `yprv`, `zprv`)
- Serialize/Deserialize Public Keys  (`xpub`, `ypub`, `zpub`)
- Generate Addresses

Mid term goals

- Sign Transactions (PSBT)
- Taproot support

## Address types

| Address Type          | Description             | Starts With  | Supported     |
| P2PKH                 | Pay to Primary Key Hash | `1`          | ✅            |
| P2WPKH-nested-in-P2SH | Nested Segwit           | `3`          | ✅            |
| P2WPKH                | Native Segwit           | `bc1q`       | ✅            |
| P2TR                  | Taproot                 | `bc1p`       | Eventually... |

## Referenced bitcoin improvement proposals (bips)
- [bip13]( - Address Format for pay-to-script-hash
- [bip16]( - Pay to Script Hash
- [bip32]( - Hierarchical Deterministic Wallets
- [bip39]( - Mnemonic code for generating deterministic keys
- [bip44]( - Multi-Account Hierarchy for Deterministic Wallets
- [bip49]( - Derivation scheme for P2WPKH-nested-in-P2SH based accounts
- [bip84]( - Derivation scheme for P2WPKH based accounts
- [bip141]( - Segregated Witness (Consensus layer)
- [bip173]( - Base32 address format for native v0-16 witness outputs