# Bitflyex

[Bitflyex]( is a bitFlyer Lightning API library in Elixir. Here is an example:


iex> BitFlyex.balance
[%{"amount" => 0.6, "available" => 0.6, "currency_code" => "BTC"},
 %{"amount" => 1.0, "available" => 1.0, "currency_code" => "BCH"},
 %{"amount" => 12.0, "available" => 12.0, "currency_code" => "ETH"},
 %{"amount" => 100.0, "available" => 100.0, "currency_code" => "ETC"},
 %{"amount" => 13.0, "available" => 13.0, "currency_code" => "LTC"},
 %{"amount" => 300.0, "available" => 300.0, "currency_code" => "MONA"}]

See the [online documentation](

## Installation

1. Add to your ```mix.exs``` file:

def deps do
    { :bitflyex, "~> 0.0.7" }

2.Register API token at [bitFlyer developer](

3.Add ```config/bitflyex.json``` and edit from registered bitFlyer API token. Here is an example:

  "api_key": "2VBxxxxxxxxxxxvXa",


4. Add to your ```config.exs``` file:

config :bitflyex, 
  setting: "./config/bitflyex.json" |>!

5. Input following, It's success when listed bitFlyer balance.

mix desp.get
iex -S mix
iex> BitFlyex.balance
[%{"amount" => 0.6, "available" => 0.6, "currency_code" => "BTC"},
 %{"amount" => 1.0, "available" => 1.0, "currency_code" => "BCH"},
 %{"amount" => 12.0, "available" => 12.0, "currency_code" => "ETH"},

## License
This project is licensed under the terms of the Apache 2.0 license, see LICENSE.