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# Blake3

Elixir bindings for the Rust Blake3 implementation.
These bindings use [`:rustler`]( to connect to the hashing functions.

## Installation

The package can be installed by adding `blake3` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

def deps do
    {:blake3, "~> 0.4.1"}

run `mix deps.get` and `mix deps.compile` to pull and build the bindings

## Configuration

There are feature options in the rust implementation that allow for additional SIMD instructions and multithreading. They can be set though environment variable or `Mix.Config`. 

export BLAKE3_SIMD_MODE=neon
export BLAKE3_RAYON=true


config :blake3,
   simd_mode: :neon,
   rayon: :true

* `neon` enables ARM NEON support
* `rayon` enables Rayon-based multithreading

When changing configuration you will need to call `mix deps.compile` to enable the features.

## Example Usage

> Blake3.hash("foobarbaz")
#<<192, 154, 254, 224, 201, 243, 97 ...

> |> Blake3.update("foo") |> Blake3.update("bar") |> Blake3.update("baz") |> Blake3.finalize()
#<<192, 154, 254, 224, 201, 243, 97 ...

> Blake3.hash("boom") |> Base.encode16(case: :lower)

Documentation can found at [](