# Blazer

Blazer is a blazingly fast case parser for json keys using NIFs.

Useful to consume camel/pascal cased APIs while still using elixir's snake case convention

Uses [Jason]( to parse the json data.

## Installation

It can be installed by adding `blazer` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

def deps do
    {:blazer, "~> 0.1.0"}

# Basic Usage

iex(1)> Blazer.parse(%{"categoryId" => 13, "profileName" => "hammsvietro"}, case: :snake)
{:ok, %{category_id: 13, profile_name: "hammsvietro"}}

iex(2)> Jason.encode!(%{"category_id" => 13, "profile_name" => "hammsvietro"}, case: :camel))

# Usage with Phoenix
In your config.exs:

config :blazer, inner_case: :snake, outer_case: :camel
config :phoenix, :json_library, Blazer
There you go! Now every map key will use elixir's standard snake case while externally the API will produce/consume camel cased properties

# Contributing
Contributions are very welcome! Feel free to open an issue =)

# License
Blazer source code is licensed under the [MIT License](LICENSE).