![alt example block creation](

# BlockBox

A tool used to generate slack UI blocks using elixir defined functions.

## Example

The following Slack UI view

![alt example block creation](

has the elixir structure shown below

  %{"type" => "divider"},
    "block_id" => "summary",
    "element" => %{"type" => "plain_text_input"},
    "label" => %{"emoji" => true, "text" => "Summary", "type" => "plain_text"},
    "type" => "input"
    "block_id" => "summ_context",
    "elements" => [%{"text" => "Summarize", "type" => "mrkdwn"}],
    "type" => "context"
    "block_id" => "description",
    "element" => %{
      "multiline" => true,
      "placeholder" => %{
        "emoji" => true,
        "text" => "Write something",
        "type" => "plain_text"
      "type" => "plain_text_input"
    "label" => %{
      "emoji" => true,
      "text" => "Description",
      "type" => "plain_text"
    "type" => "input"
    "block_id" => "desc_context",
    "elements" => [%{"text" => "Describe", "type" => "mrkdwn"}],
    "type" => "context"
    "block_id" => "priority",
    "element" => %{
      "options" => [
          "text" => %{"emoji" => true, "text" => "P1", "type" => "plain_text"},
          "value" => "6"
          "text" => %{"emoji" => true, "text" => "P2", "type" => "plain_text"},
          "value" => "7"
          "text" => %{"emoji" => true, "text" => "P3", "type" => "plain_text"},
          "value" => "8"
          "text" => %{"emoji" => true, "text" => "P4", "type" => "plain_text"},
          "value" => "9"
      "placeholder" => %{
        "emoji" => true,
        "text" => "Select items",
        "type" => "plain_text"
      "type" => "static_select"
    "label" => %{"emoji" => true, "text" => "Priority", "type" => "plain_text"},
    "type" => "input"
    "block_id" => "labels",
    "element" => %{
      "multiline" => false,
      "placeholder" => %{
        "emoji" => true,
        "text" => "thing1, thing2, ...",
        "type" => "plain_text"
      "type" => "plain_text_input"
    "label" => %{"emoji" => true, "text" => "Labels", "type" => "plain_text"},
    "type" => "input"

using BlockBox the structure can be simplified to 

  input("Summary", %{"type" => "plain_text_input"}, "summary"),
  context_actions([text_info("Summarize")], "summ_context",
    elem_type: "context"
  input("Description", plain_text_input("Write something", true), "description"),
  context_actions([text_info("Describe")], "desc_context",
    elem_type: "context"
      "Select items",, fn x ->
        generate_option("P" <> Integer.to_string(x), Integer.to_string(x + 5))
  input("Labels", plain_text_input("thing1, thing2, ...", false), "labels")

## Motivations

### *Slack blocks are large*

  - As seen above the view is about 3 times larger than the functional definition

### *Allows for Reusability*
  - Repetition of blocks is reduced across code, the same functions are used and can be changed in a single place

### *Increases overall readability*
  - It's easier to read functions with parameters instead of large scoped blocks 

## Installation

If [available in Hex](, the package can be installed
by adding `blockbox` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

def deps do
    {:blockbox, "~> 0.0.1"}

Documentation can be generated with [ExDoc](
and published on [HexDocs]( Once published, the docs can
be found at [](