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<img src="" width="250" align="right" height="90">

# blockfrost-erlang


<p align="center">Erlang SDK for <a href=""></a> API.</p>
<p align="center">
  <a href="#about">About</a> •
  <a href="#getting-started">Getting started</a> •
  <a href="#installation">Installation</a> •
  <a href="#usage">Usage</a>


## About

Erlang SDK for the API.

## Getting started

To use this SDK, you first need to log in to [](, create your project and retrieve the API token.

<img src="">


## Installation

The SDK uses [rebar3]( for project management, [hackney](
as its HTTP client and [jsx]( for `JSON`

You can either work directly with this repository or add this package as a dependency of your project using

{deps, [
  {blockfrost_erlang, "1.0.0"}

To enter a development shell, use `nix-shell`.

## Usage

git clone
cd blockfrost-erlang
rebar3 shell

If you export `BLOCKFROST_TOKEN_PATH` environment variable
`blockfrost-erlang` will automatically load
and configure network and token:

export BLOCKFROST_TOKEN_PATH=~/.blockfrost.mainnet.token

Then in `eshell`:


{ok, Block} = blockfrost:get_blocks_latest().
Hash = maps:get(<<"hash">>, Block).
TxCount = maps:get(<<"tx_count">>, Block).
io:format("Block ~p tx count: ~p~n", [binary:bin_to_list(Hash), TxCount]).

Alternatively you can use `setup/1` function
which accepts a project string, for example


### `IPFS`

Simple `IPFS` upload example of a raw string:

blockfrost:post_ipfs_add({multipart, [{<<"Filename">>, <<"Hello Erlang">>}]}).

See [hackney]( documentation
for more examples of `multipart` payload format.

## Maintenance

### Testing

Export a token
export BLOCKFROST_TOKEN_PATH=~/.blockfrost.mainnet.token

and run

rebar3 eunit

### Typecheck

Run `rebar3 dialyzer`

### Updating `rebar-deps.nix`

Run `rebar3 nix lock`