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BlockingQueue is a simple queue implemented as a GenServer. It has a fixed
maximum length established when it is created.
The queue is designed to decouple, but limit, the latency between a producer and
consumer. When pushing to a full queue the `push` operation blocks
preventing the producer from making progress until the consumer catches up.
Likewise, when calling `pop` on an empty queue the call blocks until there
is work to do.
## Installation
Add a dependency in your mix.exs:
deps: [{:blocking_queue, "~> 1.0.0"}]
## Examples
A simple example:
{:ok, pid} = BlockingQueue.start_link(5)
BlockingQueue.push(pid, "Hi")
BlockingQueue.pop(pid) # should return "Hi"
The queue is designed to be used from more complex examples in which the
producer and consumer are in separate processes and run assynchronously to each
An example of an infinite stream:
{:ok, pid} = BlockingQueue.start_link(:infinity)
BlockingQueue.push(pid, "Hi")
BlockingQueue.pop(pid) # should return "Hi"
An example using the `Stream` API
{:ok, pid} = BlockingQueue.start_link(5)
[1, 2, 3]
|> BlockingQueue.push_stream(pid)
|> Enum.take(3) # Should return [1, 2, 3]
## Contribute
Just fork the repo, make your change, and send me a pull request.