# BlueBird

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`BlueBird` is a library written in the `Elixir` programming language for the [Phoenix framework](
It lets you generate API documentation in the [API Blueprint]( format from annotations in controllers and automated tests.

## Installation

1. Add BlueBird to your mix.exs dependencies:

``` elixir
defp deps do
  [{:blue_bird, "~> 0.3.4"}]

2. Run `mix deps.get` to fetch the dependencies:

$ mix deps.get

3. In `test/test_helper.exs`, start the BlueBird logger with `BlueBird.start()`
and configure the results formatter as follows:

``` elixir
ExUnit.start(formatters: [ExUnit.CLIFormatter, BlueBird.Formatter])

4. Add the following lines to `config.exs`:

``` elixir
config :blue_bird,
  docs_path: "priv/static/docs",
  theme: "triple",
  router: MyApp.Web.Router

5. Add `blue_bird_info` to your `mix.exs` to improve the generated docs:

``` elixir
def blue_bird_info do
    host: "",
    title: "ACME API",
    description: """
                 API requires authorization. All requests must have valid

6. Add `BlueBird.Controller` to your `web.ex` controller function:

``` elixir
def controller do
  quote do
    use BlueBird.Controller

7. Install aglio:

``` bash
$ npm install aglio -g

## Usage

### Controller

Use the `api\3` macro to generate the specification for the controller action.

``` elixir
defmodule App.CommentController do
  use App.Web, :controller

  api :GET, "/posts/:post_id/comments" do
    title "List comments"
    description "Optional description"
    note "Optional note"
    warning "Optional warning"
    parameter :post_id, :integer, [description: "Post ID or slug"]
  def index(conn, %{"post_id" => post_id}) do

Optionally use the `apigroup` macro to set the resource group name and

``` elixir
defmodule App.CommentController do
  use App.Web, :controller

  apigroup "Blog Comments", "some description"

### Router

Currently, BlueBird expects that the routes are piped through `:api`.

``` elixir
defmodule TestRouter do
  use Phoenix.Router
  import Plug.Conn
  import Phoenix.Controller

  pipeline :api do

  pipeline :foo do

  scope "/" do
    pipe_through :api
    get "/get", TestController, :get  # This will work

  scope "/" do
    pipe_through [:api, :foo]
    get "/get", TestController, :get  # This will work

  scope "/" do
    pipe_through :foo
    get "/get", TestController, :get  # This will not work

### Tests

In your tests, select which requests and responses you want to include in the
documentation by saving `conn` to `BlueBird.ConnLogger`:

``` elixir
test "list comments for post", %{conn: conn} do

  conn = conn
  |> get(comments_path(conn, :index)

  assert json_response(conn, 200)

After you run your tests, documentation will be written to `api.apib` in the
[API Blueprint]( format.

$ mix test

To generate an HTML documentation, use the convenience wrapper to the
[Aglio renderer](

$ mix

If you use BlueBird in an umbrella app, you must run the command from within
the folder of the child app (e.g. `apps/myapp_web`).

## Configuration

### `config.exs`:

The configuration options can be setup in `config.exs`:

config :blue_bird,
  docs_path: "priv/static/docs",
  theme: "triple",
  router: YourApp.Web.Router,
  pipelines: [:api],
  ignore_headers: ["not-wanted"]

#### Options

* `docs_path`: Specify the path where the documentation will be generated. If
  you want to serve the documentation directly from the `phoenix` app, you can
  specify `priv/static/docs`. If you use BlueBird within an umbrella app, the
  path is relative to the root folder of the umbrella app.
* `theme`: HTML theme is generated using the
  [Aglio renderer](
* `router`: Router of your application, in Phoenix 1.3 it will be
* `ignore_headers` (optional): If you want certain headers to be hidden from the
  documentation, you can add a list of header keys here. This can be helpful
  if you serve your application behind a proxy.
* `pipelines` (optional): Only routes that use the specified router pipelines
  will be included in the documentation. Defaults to `[:api]` if not set.

### `blue_bird_info()`:


* `host`: API host.
* `title`: Documentation title (can use Blueprint format).
* `description`: Documentation description (can use Blueprint format).

## FAQ

### Route is not generated after adding API annotations to the controller

Please make sure that the route you are using in the annotation matches the
route from the `phoenix router` (including params) exactly. Run
`mix phoenix.routes` (or `mix phx.routes` if Phoenix >= 1.3) and compare the

Also note that only routes that use the api pipeline will be added to the

### Body Parameter are not rendered

BlueBird reads the `body_params` from `%Plug.Conn{}`. These map is only set if
`body_params` is a binary.

#### Example

``` elixir
post build_conn(), "/", Poison.encode! %{my: data}  # recommended
post build_conn(), "/", "my=data"