# BlueskyEx

This is an Elixir client for the [Bluesky]( /
[AT protocol](

## Installation

make build

## Usage

Here's an example CLI session:

make console

username = "username"
password = "password"
pds = ""

creds = %BlueskyEx.Client.Credentials{
  username: username,
  password: password
session = BlueskyEx.Client.Session.create(creds, pds)

# Fetch 15 skeets from the timeline
popular = BlueskyEx.Client.RecordManager.get_timeline(session, limit: 15)

# Make a skeet with the text content "skeet"
post = BlueskyEx.Client.RecordManager.create_post(session, text: "skeet")

### API reference

See [Hexdocs](

## Contributing

### Formatting

This project uses [credo]( and
[formatter]( for style
consistency. Please run

mix format


mix credo -a --strict

before committing changes.

### Type checking

Typespecs are validated through

mix dialyzer

### Helpers

As a shortcut, you can run

make lint

to run all three of the above commands before authoring a commit.

### Guidelines

#### Testing

All public functions "should" be tested exhaustively, but coverage is spotty
right now -- contributions are welcome.

You can run the test suite with

make test-unit

#### Documentation

All public modules and their functions should be documented with the
appropriate typespecs.

This library uses
conventions for documentation. You can run

make docs

to build the docs and open them in your local environment.

## License