Twitch Chat Bot

**Note** This is under heavy changes. Things might break with each release as we solidify the API.
This library will be a core component that will interact with IRC and have a bunch of helper commands to interact with IRC, WS and OBS connections.
## Install
First, add Blur to your mix.exs dependencies:
def deps do
[{:blur, "~> 0.2.1-rc1"}]
Then, update your dependencies:
$ mix deps.get
You will need to authenticate with OAuth. This is set with the `TWITCH_CHAT_KEY` environmental variable. See [.env.example](.env.example) for all the variables.
# The key generated from
export TWITCH_CHAT_KEY=oauth:
Then, you'll want to start the Blur application.
# [user, channels]
Blur.App.start_link(["800807", ["#rockerboo"]])
## Quick Start
iex -S mix
iex> Blur.App.start_link(["800807", ["#rockerboo"]])
{:ok, <pid>}
iex> Blur.say "#rockerboo", "yo"
## Usage
Blur.say("#rockerboo", "yo")
See the [Blur](lib/blur.ex) module for the current list of options.