# Bolt

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A simple job queue using OTP.


## Installation

def deps do
  [{:bolt, "~> 0.1.8"}]
## Usage

For more detail see the [documentation](

### Configure Queues
  config :bolt,
    queues: [{:main, SomeApp.SomeWorker, 10}, {:bg, SomeApp.SomeWorker, 2}],
    redis_url: "redis://localhost:6379",
    port: 3000

### Define a Worker
  defmodule SomeApp.SomeWorker do
    @behaviour Bolt.Worker
    def work(params) do
      #Do some work!

### Enqueue Jobs
      # Add a single job to the :bg queue
      iex> Bolt.enqueue(:bg, %{"somefield" => 1})
      {:ok, [1, 1]}

      # Add a collection of jobs to the :bg queue
      iex> Bolt.enqueue(:bg, [%{"somefield" => 1}, %{"somefield" => 1}])

### Manage Queues
      # Change worker pools
      iex> Bolt.Queue.set_worker_max(:bg, 5) 

      # Pause a queue
      iex> Bolt.Queue.set_worker_max(:bg, 0) 

### Web UI
To use the web interface forward to bolt from your router:

forward "/bolt", to: Bolt.Router
Go to `/bolt` to see the dashboard app

### Use The API
`GET localhost:3000/` change the port by setting in config or set to nil to disable endpoint.
    "workers": [],
    "worker_max": 1,
    "status": "running",
    "queue_name": "main",
    "jobs_remaining": 0
    "workers": [
        "status": "finished",
        "started_at": "2017-07-08T00:04:49.773760Z",
        "job_id": "bg:jobs:id69050946-636e-11e7-bd14-784f437e1c56"
    "worker_max": 1,
    "status": "running",
    "queue_name": "bg",
    "jobs_remaining": 167804


### Todo
* More Test Coverage
* More Docs