
defmodule BonnyPlug.WebhookPlug do
  @moduledoc """
  Plug that processes incoming admission webhook requests. Valid requests are forwarded to given webhook handlers.

  You have to specify the `:webhook_type` you want to forward to this plug. The `:webhook_type` has to be be either
  `:validating_webhook` or `:mutating_webhook`.

  ## Examples

  ### Compile time  configuration

  In a Phoenix router you would forward post requests to this plug:

      post "/admission-review/validate", BonnyPlug.WebhookPlug,
        webhook_type: :validating_webhook,
        handlers: [MyApp.WebhookHandlers.FooResourceWebhookHandler]

      post "/admission-review/mutate", BonnyPlug.WebhookPlug,
        webhook_type: :mutating_webhook,
        handlers: [MyApp.WebhookHandlers.BarResourceWebhookHandler]

  ### Runtime configuration

  In the example above, the handlers are defined at compile time. If you need to define the handlers at runtime, you
  can define them in `config/runtime.exs`. Note that in this case, handlers are global for all instances of the plug,
  unless declared at compile time like above.

  Your `config/runtime.exs`:

      import Config

      config :bonny_plug, BonnyPlug.WebhookPlug
        handlers: [MyApp.WebhookHandlers.FooResourceWebhookHandler]

  Your `router.ex`:

      post "/admission-review/validate", BonnyPlug.WebhookPlug,
        webhook_type: :validating_webhook
        # handlers set at compile time according to config

      post "/admission-review/mutate", BonnyPlug.WebhookPlug,
        webhook_type: :mutating_webhook,
        handlers: [MyApp.WebhookHandlers.BarResourceWebhookHandler] # NOT overwritten at compile time!

  import Plug.Conn

  alias BonnyPlug.AdmissionReview
  alias BonnyPlug.AdmissionReview.Request

  @api_version ""
  @kind "AdmissionReview"

  @type webhook_type :: :validating_webhook | :mutating_webhook

  def init(options) do
    Keyword.put_new_lazy(options, :handlers, fn
      -> Application.get_env(:bonny_plug, BonnyPlug.WebhookPlug)[:handlers]

  def call(%Plug.Conn{method: "POST"} = conn, opts) do
    webhook_type = Keyword.fetch!(opts, :webhook_type)
    handlers = Keyword.get(opts, :handlers, [])

    case process(conn.body_params, webhook_type, handlers) do
      {:ok, response_body} ->
        |> put_resp_content_type("application/json")
        |> send_resp(200, response_body)
      {:error, code, response_body} -> resp(conn, code, response_body)
  def call(conn, _), do: send_resp(conn, 404, "Not Found")

  @spec process(map(), atom(), Enum.t()) :: {:ok, binary()} | {:error, integer(), binary()}
  def process(%{"apiVersion" => @api_version, "kind" => @kind, "request" => request}, webhook_type, handlers) do
    response = request
    |> AdmissionReview.create()
    |> Request.allow()
    |> (&Enum.reduce(handlers, &1, fn (handler, acc) -> Kernel.apply(handler, :process, [acc, webhook_type]) end)).()
    |> Map.get(:response)

    response_body = Jason.encode!(%{"apiVersion" => @api_version, "kind" => @kind, "response" => response})
    {:ok, response_body}
  def process(_, _, _), do: {:error, 400, "Unsupported Payload. This service expects a k8s admission review json document of apiVersion \"\"."}