# Bookish spork
An erlang library to test http requests
## Rationale
There are several ways to test your http interaction
* Real http request to real servers: not very reliable, requires internet
* You can use external http server like [httpbin](https://httpbin.org/) (hackney approach)
* You can mock your http client library (elixir approach)
* Also you can run an http-server within your application on your localhost on a particualr port
The last approach is the best IMHO. It is absolutely http-client agnostic. It doesn't require internet connection or any external utilities.
bookish_spork provides you facilities to test your requests with *real* http server.
## Usage
First step: add to your rebar config
{profiles, [
{test, [
{deps, [
{bookish_spork, {git, "https://github.com/tank-bohr/bookish_spork.git"}}
Second: start server in your tests.
It starts process without link. Thus you can use it in `init_per_group` and in `init_per_suite` callbacks.
### Stub request
The simplest stub you can do is
It will stub your requests with `204 No Content` response with empty body.
If you need specify response you easily can do this:
bookish_spork:stub_request(Status, Headers, Content).
### Capture request
As usual the main goal is to test that you send the correct request
{ok, Request} = bookish_spork:capture_request().
It returns you an opaque structure of the request. You can inspect it with
* `bookish_spork_request:method/1`
* `bookish_spork_request:uri/1`
* `bookish_spork_request:headers/1`
* `bookish_spork_request:body/1`
## Examples
See examples dir.