# Boombox

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Boombox is a high-level tool for audio & video streaming tool based on the [Membrane Framework](

See [examples.livemd](examples.livemd) for examples.

## Usage

The code below receives a stream via RTMP and sends it over HLS:

```elixir "rtmp://localhost:5432", output: "index.m3u8")

you can use CLI interface too:

boombox -i "rtmp://localhost:5432" -o "index.m3u8"

And the code below generates a video with bouncing Membrane logo and sends it over WebRTC:

Mix.install([:boombox, :req, :image])

overlay =
  |> Vix.Vips.Image.new_from_buffer()
  |> then(fn {:ok, img} -> img end)
  |> Image.trim!()
  |> Image.thumbnail!(100)

bg =!(640, 480, color: :light_gray)
max_x = Image.width(bg) - Image.width(overlay)
max_y = Image.height(bg) - Image.height(overlay)

Stream.iterate({_x = 300, _y = 0, _dx = 1, _dy = 2, _pts = 0}, fn {x, y, dx, dy, pts} ->
  dx = if (x + dx) in 0..max_x, do: dx, else: -dx
  dy = if (y + dy) in 0..max_y, do: dy, else: -dy
  pts = pts + div(Membrane.Time.seconds(1), _fps = 60)
  {x + dx, y + dy, dx, dy, pts}
|> {x, y, _dx, _dy, pts} ->
  img = Image.compose!(bg, overlay, x: x, y: y)
  %Boombox.Packet{kind: :video, payload: img, pts: pts}
  input: {:stream, video: :image, audio: false},
  output: {:webrtc, "ws://localhost:8830"}

To receive WebRTC/HLS from boombox in a browser or send WebRTC from a browser to boombox
you can use simple HTML examples in the `boombox_examples_data` folder, for example

open webrtc_to_browser.html

For more examples, see [examples.livemd](examples.livemd).

## Supported formats & protocols

| format | direction |
| MP4 | input, output |
| WebRTC | input, output |
| RTMP | input |
| RTSP | input |
| HLS | output |
| Elixir Stream | input, output |

## Installation

To use Boombox as an Elixir library, add

{:boombox, github: "membraneframework-labs/boombox"}

to your dependencies or `Mix.install`.

to use via CLI, run the following:

chmod u+x boombox

Make sure you have [Elixir]( installed. The first call to `boombox` will install it in a default directory in the system. The directory can be set with `MIX_INSTALL_DIR` env variable if preferred.

## CLI

The CLI API is similar to the Elixir API, for example:

```elixir "file.mp4", output: {:webrtc, "ws://localhost:8830"})

is equivalent to:

./boombox -i file.mp4 -o --webrtc ws://localhost:8830

It's also possible to pass an `.exs` script:

./boombox -s script.exs

In the script you can call `` and execute other Elixir code.

The first run of the CLI may take longer than usual, as the necessary artifacts are installed in the system.

## Copyright and License

Copyright 2024, [Software Mansion](

[![Software Mansion](](

Licensed under the [Apache License, Version 2.0](LICENSE)