# Bootleg Nginx Conf
Bootleg task to upload nginx config template to remote servers (those that belong to the :app role).

## Installation
Add `bootleg_nginx_conf` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

def deps do
    {:bootleg_nginx_conf, "~> 0.1.0"}

### Configurable options are set in the `config/deploy.exs`.

### Example:
``` elixir
# ./config/deploy.exs

use Bootleg.DSL

config(:nginx_config_name, "app_name")
config(:nginx_template, "./config/deploy/templates/nginx_conf.eex")
config(:nginx_sites_available_path, "/opt/nginx/sites-available")
config(:nginx_sites_enabled_path, "/opt/nginx/sites-enabled")

### Example nginx template: 
The config defined in `config/deploy.exs` can be accessed in the template file using EEx. (Example: `<%= nginx_template %>`)
``` nginx
# ./config/deploy/templates/nginx_conf.eex

upstream phoenix_app {
    server unix:/home/deploy/app/app.socket fail_timeout=0;

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