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# Boruta OAuth provider core
Boruta is the core of an OAuth provider giving business logic of authentication and authorization.

It is intended to follow RFCs:
- [RFC 6749 - The OAuth 2.0 Authorization Framework](
- [RFC 7662 - OAuth 2.0 Token Introspection](
- [RFC 7009 - OAuth 2.0 Token Revocation](
- [RFC 7636 - Proof Key for Code Exchange by OAuth Public Clients](

This package is meant to help to provide OAuth 2.0 in your applications implementing part or all of authorization code, implicit, client credentials, or resource owner password credentials grants. It also helps introspecting and revoking tokens.

## Documentation
Documentation can be found [here](

## Live example
A live example can be found [here](

## Setup
1. Schemas migration

If you plan to use Boruta builtin clients and tokens contexts, you'll need a migration for its `Ecto` schemas. This can be done by running:
mix boruta.gen.migration

2. Implement ResourceOwners context

In order to have user flows operational, You need to implement `Boruta.Oauth.ResourceOwners` behaviour.

Here is an example implementation:
defmodule MyApp.ResourceOwners do
  @behaviour Boruta.Oauth.ResourceOwners

  alias Boruta.Oauth.ResourceOwner
  alias MyApp.Accounts.User
  alias MyApp.Repo

  @impl Boruta.Oauth.ResourceOwners
  def get_by(username: username) do
    with %User{id: id, email: email} <- Repo.get_by(User, email: username) do
      {:ok, %ResourceOwner{sub: id, username: email}}
      _ -> {:error, "User not found."}
  def get_by(sub: sub) do
    with %User{id: id, email: email} = user <- Repo.get_by(User, id: sub) do
      {:ok, %ResourceOwner{sub: id, username: email}}
      _ -> {:error, "User not found."}

  @impl Boruta.Oauth.ResourceOwners
  def check_password(resource_owner, password) do
    user = Repo.get_by(User, id: resource_owner.sub)
    User.check_password(user, password)

  @impl Boruta.Oauth.ResourceOwners
  def authorized_scopes(%ResourceOwner{}), do: []

3. Configuration

Boruta provides several configuration options that you can customize in `config.exs`. Those have following default values:
config :boruta, Boruta.Oauth,
  repo: MyApp.Repo, # mandatory
  cache_backend: Boruta.Cache,
  contexts: [
    access_tokens: Boruta.Ecto.AccessTokens,
    clients: Boruta.Ecto.Clients,
    codes: Boruta.Ecto.Codes,
    resource_owners: MyApp.ResourceOwners, # mandatory
    scopes: Boruta.Ecto.Scopes
  max_ttl: [
    authorization_code: 60,
    access_token: 60 * 60 * 24,
    refresh_token: 60 * 60 * 24 * 30
  token_generator: Boruta.TokenGenerator

## Integration
This implementation follows an hexagonal architecture, dependencies are inverted from Application layer.

In order to expose endpoints of an OAuth server with Boruta, you need implement either the behaviour `Boruta.Oauth.Application` or the behaviours `Boruta.Oauth.AuthorizeApplication`, `Boruta.Oauth.TokenApplication`, `Boruta.Oauth.IntrospectApplication` and `Boruta.Oauth.RevokeApplication` to integrate these endpoints separatly. Those behaviours will help you creating callback functions which will be triggered by invoking `token/2`, `authorize/2`, `introspect/2` and `revoke/2` functions from `Boruta.Oauth` module.

A generator is provided to create phoenix controllers, views and templates needed to implement a basic OAuth server.

mix boruta.gen.controllers

This task will create needed files and give you a guide to finish your setup.

## Straightforward testing
You can also create a client and test it
alias Boruta.Ecto
alias Boruta.Oauth.Authorization
alias Boruta.Oauth.{ClientCredentialsRequest, Token}

# create a client
{:ok, %Ecto.Client{id: client_id, secret: client_secret}} = Ecto.Admin.create_client(%{})
# obtain a token
{:ok, %Token{value: value}} = Authorization.token(%ClientCredentialsRequest{client_id: client_id, client_secret: client_secret})
# check token
{:ok, _token} = Authorization.AccessToken.authorize(value: value)

## Guides
Some integration guides are provided with code samples.
- [Authorization code grant](
- [Client Credentials grant](
- [Implicit grant](
- [Resource Owner Password Credentials grant](
- [Introspect](
- [Revoke](

## Feedback
It is a work in progress, all feedbacks / feature requests / improvements are welcome