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# Boruta OAuth/OpenID Connect provider core
Boruta is the core of an OAuth/OpenID Connect provider giving authentication and authorization business logic. a generator is provided to create phoenix controllers, views and templates.

It is intended to follow RFCs:
- [RFC 6749 - The OAuth 2.0 Authorization Framework](
- [RFC 7662 - OAuth 2.0 Token Introspection](
- [RFC 7009 - OAuth 2.0 Token Revocation](
- [RFC 7636 - Proof Key for Code Exchange by OAuth Public Clients](

And specification from OpenID Connect:
- [OpenID Connect core 1.0](

This package is meant to help to provide OAuth 2.0/OpenID Connect to your applications implementing part or all of authorization code, implicit, hybrid, client credentials, or resource owner password credentials grants. It also helps introspecting and revoking tokens.

## Documentation
Documentation can be found [here](

## Live example
A live example can be found [here](

## Setup
1. Schemas migration

If you plan to use Boruta builtin clients and tokens contexts, you'll need a migration for its `Ecto` schemas. This can be done by running:
mix boruta.gen.migration
> Note: You may need to run the task above in case of package upgrade to have up to date database schema.

2. Implement ResourceOwners context _(optional)_

In order to have user flows operational, You need to implement `Boruta.Oauth.ResourceOwners` behaviour.

Here is an example implementation:
defmodule MyApp.ResourceOwners do
  @behaviour Boruta.Oauth.ResourceOwners

  alias Boruta.Oauth.ResourceOwner
  alias MyApp.Accounts.User
  alias MyApp.Repo

  @impl Boruta.Oauth.ResourceOwners
  def get_by(username: username) do
    with %User{id: id, email: email} <- Repo.get_by(User, email: username) do
      {:ok, %ResourceOwner{sub: id, username: email}}
      _ -> {:error, "User not found."}
  def get_by(sub: sub) do
    with %User{id: id, email: email} = user <- Repo.get_by(User, id: sub) do
      {:ok, %ResourceOwner{sub: id, username: email}}
      _ -> {:error, "User not found."}

  @impl Boruta.Oauth.ResourceOwners
  def check_password(resource_owner, password) do
    user = Repo.get_by(User, id: resource_owner.sub)
    User.check_password(user, password)

  @impl Boruta.Oauth.ResourceOwners
  def authorized_scopes(%ResourceOwner{}), do: []

3. Configuration

Boruta provides several configuration options that you can customize in `config.exs`. Those have following default values:
config :boruta, Boruta.Oauth,
  repo: MyApp.Repo, # mandatory
  cache_backend: Boruta.Cache,
  contexts: [
    access_tokens: Boruta.Ecto.AccessTokens,
    clients: Boruta.Ecto.Clients,
    codes: Boruta.Ecto.Codes,
    resource_owners: MyApp.ResourceOwners, # mandatory for user flows
    scopes: Boruta.Ecto.Scopes
  max_ttl: [
    authorization_code: 60,
    access_token: 60 * 60 * 24,
    id_token: 60 * 60 * 24,
    refresh_token: 60 * 60 * 24 * 30
  token_generator: Boruta.TokenGenerator

## Integration
This implementation follows an inverted hexagonal architecture, dependencies are inverted from Application layer.

In order to expose endpoints of an OAuth/OpenID Connect server with Boruta, you need implement either the behaviour `Boruta.Oauth.Application` or the behaviours `Boruta.Oauth.AuthorizeApplication`, `Boruta.Oauth.TokenApplication`, `Boruta.Oauth.IntrospectApplication` and `Boruta.Oauth.RevokeApplication` to integrate these endpoints separatly. Those behaviours will help you creating callback functions which will be triggered by invoking `token/2`, `authorize/2`, `introspect/2` and `revoke/2` functions from `Boruta.Oauth` module.

A generator is provided to create phoenix controllers, views and templates needed to implement a basic OAuth/OpenID Connect server.

mix boruta.gen.controllers

This task will create needed files and give you a guide to finish your setup.

## Migration from 1.X
Version 2 brings OpenID Connect, several changes were made in order to stick to the specification:
- `Boruta.Oauth.AuthorizeResponse` and `Boruta.Oauth.TokenResponse` do not provide token value in `value` field but prefer giving value by token type `code`, `access_token` or `id_token`.
   type: "code",
   value: value,
   expires_in: 60
   type: :code,
   code: value,
   expires_in: 60
- `boruta.gen.migration` task has been updated. Running the task will upgrade database schemas according to the new associated `Ecto.Schema`

## Straightforward testing
You can also create a client and test it
alias Boruta.Ecto
alias Boruta.Oauth.Authorization
alias Boruta.Oauth.{ClientCredentialsRequest, Token}

# create a client
{:ok, %Ecto.Client{id: client_id, secret: client_secret}} = Ecto.Admin.create_client(%{})
# obtain a token
{:ok, %Token{value: value}} = Authorization.token(%ClientCredentialsRequest{client_id: client_id, client_secret: client_secret})
# check token
{:ok, _token} = Authorization.AccessToken.authorize(value: value)

## Guides

Here are some code samples helping the integration:
- [Notes about pkce](

## Feedback
It is a work in progress, all feedbacks / feature requests / improvements are welcome