# Botanist

Botanist is a seeding library which uses [Ecto]( Its intended purpose
is for seeding of a database in a safe and atomic manner.

### Installation
Add `botanist` to your `mix.exs` file:
  defp deps do
      {:ecto, "~> 2.2.10"},
      {:postgrex, "~> 0.11"},
      {:botanist, "~> 0.1.0"}, # <--

### Set up
Configure `Botanist` by passing in your repo via your `config.exs`:
config :botanist, 
  ecto_repo: MyApp.Repo
You can also configure the following fields:
seeds_path: "priv/repo/seeds" # Location of seed files, defaults to priv/repo/seeds

### Usage
Botanist is very similar to `Ecto` in terms of usage. To generate a seed, run:
 mix ecto.gen.seed my_seed
You'll find this seed in either the `seeds_path` field you listed in your config or in the 
`priv/repo/seeds` directory by default. 

Tell the seed what to do (see the example) and run your seed with 
mix ecto.seed
Voila! Your database has now been seeded.

### Example seed file
import Botanist

alias MyApp.Repo
alias MyApp.User

def planter do
  seed do
    Repo.insert(%User{email: "", name: "John Smith"})

### [Documentation](