# Bottom
This is an Elixir implementation of [bottom](https://github.com/kaylynn234/bottom).
Bottom encodes UTF-8 text into a sequence comprised of bottom emoji (`🫂✨🥺❤️`, with `,` sprinkled in for good measure) followed by `👉👈`. It can encode any valid UTF-8 — being a bottom transcends language, after all — and decode back into UTF-8.
## Installation
The package can be installed by adding `bottom` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:
def deps do
{:bottom, "~> 0.1.0"}
## Basic Usage
iex> Bottom.encode("Hello world!")
{:ok, "💖✨✨,,👉👈💖💖,👉👈💖💖🥺,,,👉👈💖💖🥺,,,👉👈💖💖✨,👉👈✨✨✨,,👉👈💖💖✨🥺,,,,👉👈💖💖✨,👉👈💖💖✨,,,,👉👈💖💖🥺,,,👉👈💖💖👉👈✨✨✨,,,👉👈"}
iex> Bottom.decode("💖✨✨,,👉👈💖💖,👉👈💖💖🥺,,,👉👈💖💖🥺,,,👉👈💖💖✨,👉👈✨✨✨,,👉👈💖💖✨🥺,,,,👉👈💖💖✨,👉👈💖💖✨,,,,👉👈💖💖🥺,,,👉👈💖💖👉👈✨✨✨,,,👉👈")
{:ok, "Hello world!"}
## Documentation
Documentation can be found on [HexDocs](https://hexdocs.pm/bottom/index.html). See the docs for the [Bottom module](https://hexdocs.pm/bottom/Bottom.html) specifically.
## Other Libraries
* Reference implementation: https://github.com/kaylynn234/bottom
* Python bindings: https://github.com/uYert/bottom-py
* Haskell implementation: https://github.com/LyricLy/bottom-hs
* C implementation: https://github.com/LyricLy/bottom-c
* Java implementation: https://github.com/SebbyLaw/bottom-java
* Web translator: https://kaylynn234.github.io/bottom-web