## v0.13.0 2022-10-24

### Added

- [Braintree.Webhook] Allow passing options to webhook parser/validator, similar
  to other API functions.

- [Braintree.Plan] Expand plan functionality with `delete`, improved guard
  clauses, and better response code formatting.

- [Braintree.Customer] Support ACH Direct Debit payment methods.

### Fixed

- [Braintree.HTTP] Fix error in response type specification.

  This typespec error wasn't caught given the current dialyzer settings, but
  could cause issues for clients expecting things like `{:error, :not_found}`.

## v0.12.1 2021-11-18

### Fixed

- Update CA certificate bundle and enable peer verification for all HTTP

## v0.12.0 2021-09-02

### Changed

- Bumped the minium Elixir version from `1.7` to `1.9` (it had been a while!)

### Added

- [Braintree.Webhook] A new module that provides convenience methods for parsing
  Braintree webhook payloads.

- [Braintree] Wrap HTTP calls in telemetry events for instrumentation. All
  requests are wrapped in a telemetry events, which emits standard span events:

  `[:braintree, :request, :start | :stop | :exception | :error]`

- [Braintree.Customer] Support ApplePay and AndroidPay

### Fixed

- Fix atomizing nested maps with mixed keys.

## v0.11.0 2020-05-11

* [Braintree] Allow configuration of sandbox endpoint for testing
* [Braintree.CreditCard] Include `billing_address` with the `CreditCard` struct
* [Braintree.Transaction] Add support for `android_pay_card` and correct field
  names to match `android_pay_card` and `apple_pay`
* [Braintree.Transaction] Rename `customer_details` to `customer` to correctly
  reflect API results.
* [Braintree.Search] Fix `perform` so that it correctly handles transaction
* [Braintree.TestTransaction] Make TestTransaction available in all

## v0.10.0 2019-03-26

### Enhancements

* [Braintree.HTTP] Support both `access_token` and public/private keys usage in configuration

## v0.9.0 2018-06-18

### Enhancements

* [Braintree] Use system tuples as the default for application env
* [Braintree] Add dialyxer and fix all typespecs. Typespecs are now validated
  during CI builds
* [Braintree.HTTP] Expose `429 Too Many Requests` error with an integer to
  status mapping
* [Braintree.TestTransaction] The module is now available in all environments,
  not just `test`
* [Braintree.Address] Support added for address features
* [Braintree.MerchantAccounts] Support added for merchant account features
* [Braintree.Search] Support for searching customers, credit cards and
* [Braintree.XML] Support collections when decoding XML responses

### Changes

* [Braintree] Elixir 1.5 is now the minimum supported version
* [Braintree.Transaction] Replace `:billing_details` with the correctly named

### Bug Fixes

* [Braintree.HTTP] Use `Keyword.get_lazy` to avoid exceptions when config keys
  used for requests aren't set.
* [Braintree.HTTP] Add explicit handling for `unprocessable_entity` errors
* [Braintree.HTTP] Always coerce the environment to an atom

## v0.8.0 2017-08-24

### Enhancements

* [Braintree.ErrorResponse] Include full transaction details in the
  `ErrorResponse` struct. This displays the underlying reason a request failed,
  helping developers diagnose failing requests.
* [Braintree.HTTP] Ability to optionally pass environment and API keys as
  options to all functions doing API calls. The default behaviour of reading
  from the global config is kept if those keys are not passed as arguments.
  Submitted by @manukall and @nicolasblanco

### Changes

* [Braintree.Construction] Use `new/1` to build structs, rather than the unusual
  `construct/1` function.

### Bug Fixes

* [Braintree.HTTP] Catch and return `400 Bad Request` error tuples, rather than
  generating a case clause error.

## v0.7.0 2016-09-20

### Enhancements

* [Braintree.ClientToken] Set the default client token version to `2`.
* [Braintree.Discount] Add support for discounts
* [Braintree.AddOn] Add support for add-ons
* [Braintree.SettlementBatchSummary] Add support for settlement reports
* [Braintree.Subscription] Support updating with `update/2`
* [Braintree.Subscription] Convert add-on and transaction lists to structs

### Changes

* [Braintree.XML] Strictly accept maps for generation, not keyword lists.

### Bug Fixes

* [Braintree.XML] Correctly handle decoding entities such as `&`, `>`
  and `<`.
* [Braintree.XML] Fix encoding XML array values
* [Braintree.XML] Add encoding of binaries

## v0.6.0 2016-08-10

### Enhancements

* [Braintree.HTTP] Remove dependency on HTTPoison! Instead Hackney is used
* [Braintree.HTTP] Configuration options can be provided for Hackney via
* [Braintree] Support `{:system, VAR}` for configs
* [Braintree.XML] Support for parsing top level arrays. Some endpoints, notably
  `plans`, may return an array rather than an object
* [Braintree.Plan] Added module and `all/0` for retrieving billing plans
* [Braintree.Customer] Enhanced with `find/1`
* [Braintree.Subscription] Enhanced with `cancel/1` and `retry_charge/1`

### Bug Fixes

* [Braintree.XML.Entity] XML entities are automatically encoded and decoded.
  This prevents errors when values contain quotes, ampersands, or other
  characters that must be escaped
* [Braintree.Customer] Return a tagged error tuple for `delete/1`
* [Braintree.Transaction] Use the correct `paypal` field for `Transaction` responses

## v0.5.0 2016-06-13

* Added: Paypal endpoints for use with the vault flow [TylerCain]
* Added: Construct Paypal accounts from customer responses
* Added: Support `submit_for_settlement/2` to Transaction
* Added: Typespec for the Transaction struct
* Fixed: Typespec for the CreditCard struct
* Fixed: Include xmerl in the list of applications to ensure that it is packaged
  with `exrm` releases.

## v0.4.0 2016-04-20

* Added: Available only during testing, `TestTransaction`, which can be used to
  transition transactions to different states.
* Added: Add `find`, `void`, and `refund` on `Transaction`. [Tyler Cain]
* Added: Add support for `PaymentMethod`, `PaymentMethodNonce`. [Tyler Cain]
* Added: Basic support for subscription management, starting with `create`.
  [Ryan Bigg]

## v0.3.2 2016-02-26

* Fixed: Log unprocessable responses rather than inspecting them to STDOUT.
* Fixed: Convert 404 and 401 responses to error tuples, they are common problems
  with misconfiguration.

## v0.3.1 2016-02-18

* Fixed: Lookup the certfile path at runtime rather than compile time. This
  fixes potential build errors when pre-building releases or packaging on
  platforms like Heroku.

## v0.3.0 2016-02-17

* Fixed: Raise helpful errors when missing required config
* Added: Client token module for generating new client tokens [Taylor Briggs]

## v0.2.0 2016-02-05

* Added: Support for updating and deleting customers.
* Added: A `Nonces` module for help testing transactions.
* Changed: Include testing support `Braintree.Testing.CreditCardNumbers` as well as
  `Braintree.Testing.Nonces` in `lib/testing`, making it available in packaged
* Fixed: Trying to call `XML.load` on empty strings returns an empty map.
* Removed: The `__using__` macro has been removed from HTTP because the naming
  conflicted with `delete` actions. An equivalent macro will be introduced in
  the future.

## v0.1.0 2016-02-03

* Initial release with support for `Customer.create` and ``.