# Braise [![[travis]](](

Braise cooks those boring old JSON Schema definitions
down into rock-hard-awesome Ember Data adapters and models.

Releases published on at

Braise generates Ember Data adapters and models compatible with **Ember Data 2.7+**.

## Installation

cd ~/src
git clone

### Add to your PATH
#### Bash
echo 'export PATH=$PATH:~/src/braise/bin' >> ~/.bash_profile

#### Zsh
echo 'export PATH=$PATH:~/src/braise/bin' >> ~/.zshrc

## Usage

$ braise [--file|-f] <JSON_SCHEMA_FILE>

Takes that boring JSON schema file and outputs some much better files.

## Building

1. Ensure Elixir 1.4+ is installed. On macOS: `brew install elixir`.
2. Run `make`. See more targets in the [`Makefile`](Makefile)

## Examples

The examples dir has some input json schemas and the corresponding output produced by braise.  To regenerate them

$ make samples

## License
MIT. See []( for full license text.