
# NOTE: This file is auto generated by OpenAPI Generator 6.2.0 (
# Do not edit this file manually.

defmodule BrazeEx.Api.PreferenceCenter do
  @moduledoc """
  API calls for all endpoints tagged `PreferenceCenter`.

  alias BrazeEx.Connection
  import BrazeEx.RequestBuilder

  @doc """
  ## List Preference Centers

  > Use this endpoint to list your available preference centers. 

  ## Prerequisites

  To use this endpoint, you’ll need an API key with the `preference_center.list` permission.

  ## Rate limit

  This endpoint has a rate limit of 1,000 requests per minute, per workspace.

  ## Path and request parameters

  There are no path or request parameters for this endpoint.

  ## Example request

  curl --location -g --request GET \
  --header 'Authorization: Bearer YOUR-REST-API-KEY'


  ## Response

  ``` json
  "preference_centers": [
      "name": "My Preference Center 1",
      "preference_center_api_id": "preference_center_api_id",
      "created_at": "2022-08-17T15:46:10Z",
      "updated_at": "2022-08-17T15:46:10Z"
      "name": "My Preference Center 2",
      "preference_center_api_id": "preference_center_api_id",
      "created_at": "2022-08-19T11:13:06Z",
      "updated_at": "2022-08-19T11:13:06Z"
      "name": "My Preference Center 3",
      "preference_center_api_id": "preference_center_api_id",
      "created_at": "2022-08-19T11:30:50Z",
      "updated_at": "2022-08-19T11:30:50Z"
      "name": "My Preference Center 4",
      "preference_center_api_id": "preference_center_api_id",
      "created_at": "2022-09-13T20:41:34Z",
      "updated_at": "2022-09-13T20:41:34Z"


  ### Parameters

  - `connection` (BrazeEx.Connection): Connection to server
  - `opts` (keyword): Optional parameters
    - `:Authorization` (String.t): 

  ### Returns

  - `{:ok, nil}` on success
  - `{:error, Tesla.Env.t}` on failure
  @spec preference_center_v1_list_get(Tesla.Env.client(), keyword()) ::
          {:ok, nil} | {:error, Tesla.Env.t()}
  def preference_center_v1_list_get(connection, opts \\ []) do
    optional_params = %{
      :Authorization => :headers

    request =
      |> method(:get)
      |> url("/preference_center/v1/list")
      |> add_optional_params(optional_params, opts)
      |> Enum.into([])

    |> Connection.request(request)
    |> evaluate_response([
      {200, false}

  @doc """
  ## Create Preference Center

  > Use this endpoint to create a preference center to allow users to manage their notification preferences for email campaigns. 

  Check out [Creating a preference center via API]( for details on how to include this in your email campaigns.

  ## Prerequisites

  To use this endpoint, you’ll need an API key with the `preference_center.update` permission.

  ## Rate limit

  This endpoint has a rate limit of 10 requests per minute, per workspace.

  ## Request parameters

  | Parameter | Required | Data Type | Description |
  | --- | --- | --- | --- |
  | `name` | Required | String | The name of the preference center that meets the following requirements:  <br>\- Only contains letters, numbers, hyphens, and underscores  <br>\- Does not have spaces |
  | `preference_center_title` | Optional | String | The title for the preference center and confirmation pages. If a title is not specified, the title of the pages will default to "Preference Center". |
  | `preference_center_page_html` | Required | String | The HTML for the preference center page. |
  | `confirmation_page_html` | Required | String | The HTML for the confirmation page. |
  | `state` | Optional | String | Choose `active` or `draft`. Defaults to `active` if not specified. |
  | `options` | Optional | Object | Attributes: `meta-viewport-content`. When present, a `viewport` meta tag will be added to the page with `content=` . |

  > **Note:** The preference center name can't be edited after it's created. 

  ### Liquid tags

  Refer to the following Liquid tags that can be included in your HTML to generate a user's subscription state on the preference center page.

  #### User subscription state

  | Liquid | Description |
  | --- | --- |
  | `{{subscribed_state.${email_global}}}` | Get the global email subscribed state for the user (such as "opted_in", "subscribed", or "unsubscribed"). |
  | `{{subscribed_state.${}}}` |  |

  #### Form inputs and action

  | Liquid | Description |
  | --- | --- |
  | `{% form_field_name :email_global_state %}` | Indicates that a specific form input element corresponds to the user's global email subscribed state. The user's selection state should be "opted_in", "subscribed", or "unsubscribed" when the form is submitted with selection data for the global email subscribed state. If it's a checkbox, the user will either be "opted_in" or "unsubscribed". For a hidden input, the "subscribed" state will also be valid. |
  | `{% form_field_name :subscription_group %}` | Indicates that a specific form input element corresponds to a given subscription group. The user's selection state should be either "subscribed" or "unsubscribed" when the form is submitted with selection data for a specific subscription group. |
  | `{{preference_center_submit_url}}` | Generates URL for form submission. |

  ## Example response

  "preference_center_api_id": "preference_center_api_id_example",
  "liquid_tag": "{{preference_center.${MyPreferenceCenter2022-09-22}}}",
  "created_at": "2022-09-22T18:28:07+00:00",
  "message": "success"


  ### Parameters

  - `connection` (BrazeEx.Connection): Connection to server
  - `opts` (keyword): Optional parameters
    - `:"Content-Type"` (String.t): 
    - `:Authorization` (String.t): 
    - `:body` (String.t): 

  ### Returns

  - `{:ok, nil}` on success
  - `{:error, Tesla.Env.t}` on failure
  @spec preference_center_v1_post(Tesla.Env.client(), keyword()) ::
          {:ok, nil} | {:error, Tesla.Env.t()}
  def preference_center_v1_post(connection, opts \\ []) do
    optional_params = %{
      :"Content-Type" => :headers,
      :Authorization => :headers,
      :body => :body

    request =
      |> method(:post)
      |> url("/preference_center/v1")
      |> add_optional_params(optional_params, opts)
      |> ensure_body()
      |> Enum.into([])

    |> Connection.request(request)
    |> evaluate_response([
      {200, false}

  @doc """
  ## View Details for Preference Center

  > Use this endpoint to view the details for your preference centers, including when it was created and updated. 

  ## Prerequisites

  To use this endpoint, you'll need an API key with the `preference_center.get` permission.

  ## Rate limit

  This endpoint has a rate limit of 1,000 requests per minute, per workspace.

  ## Path parameters

  | Parameter | Required | Data Type | Description |
  | --- | --- | --- | --- |
  | `preferenceCenterExternalID` | Required | String | The ID for your preference center. |

  ## Request parameters

  There are no request parameters for this endpoint.

  ## Example request

  curl --location -g --request GET \
  --header 'Authorization: Bearer YOUR-REST-API-KEY'


  ## Response

  ``` json
  "name": "My Preference Center",
  "preference_center_api_id": "preference_center_api_id",
  "created_at": "example_time_created",
  "updated_at": "example_time_updated",
  "preference_center_title": "Example preference center title",
  "preference_center_page_html": "HTML for preference center here",
  "confirmation_page_html": "HTML for confirmation page here",
  "redirect_page_html": null,
  "preference_center_options": {
    "meta-viewport-content": "width=device-width, initial-scale=2"
  "state": "active"


  ### Parameters

  - `connection` (BrazeEx.Connection): Connection to server
  - `preference_center_external_id` (String.t): 
  - `opts` (keyword): Optional parameters
    - `:Authorization` (String.t): 

  ### Returns

  - `{:ok, nil}` on success
  - `{:error, Tesla.Env.t}` on failure
  @spec preference_center_v1_preference_center_external_id_get(
        ) :: {:ok, nil} | {:error, Tesla.Env.t()}
  def preference_center_v1_preference_center_external_id_get(
        opts \\ []
      ) do
    optional_params = %{
      :Authorization => :headers

    request =
      |> method(:get)
      |> url("/preference_center/v1/#{preference_center_external_id}")
      |> add_optional_params(optional_params, opts)
      |> Enum.into([])

    |> Connection.request(request)
    |> evaluate_response([
      {200, false}

  @doc """
  ## Update Preference Center

  > Use this endpoint to update a preference center. 

  ## Prerequisites

  To use this endpoint, you’ll need an API key with the `preference_center.update` permission.

  ## Rate limit

  This endpoint has a rate limit of 10 requests per minute, per workspace.

  ## Path parameters

  | Parameter | Required | Data Type | Description |
  | --- | --- | --- | --- |
  | `preferenceCenterExternalID` | Required | String | The ID for your preference center. |

  ## Request parameters

  | Parameter | Required | Data Type | Description |
  | --- | --- | --- | --- |
  | `preference_center_page_html` | Required | String | The HTML for the preference center page. |
  | `preference_center_title` | Optional | String | The title for the preference center and confirmation pages. If a title is not specified, the title of the pages will default to "Preference Center". |
  | `confirmation_page_html` | Required | String | The HTML for the confirmation page. |
  | `state` | Optional | String | Choose `active` or `draft`. |
  | `options` | Optional | Object | Attributes: `meta-viewport-content`. When present, a `viewport` meta tag will be added to the page with `content=` . |

  ## Example request

  curl --location --request POST '{preferenceCenterExternalId}' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --header 'Authorization: Bearer YOUR-API-KEY-HERE' \
  --data-raw '{
  "name": "Example",
  "preference_center_title": "Example Preference Center Title",
  "preference_center_page_html": "HTML for preference center here",
  "confirmation_page_html": "HTML here with a message to users here",
  "state": "active"


  ## Example response

  "preference_center_api_id": "8efc52aa-935e-42b7-bd6b-98f43bb9b0f1",
  "created_at": "2022-09-22T18:28:07Z",
  "updated_at": "2022-09-22T18:32:07Z",
  "message": "success"


  ### Parameters

  - `connection` (BrazeEx.Connection): Connection to server
  - `preference_center_external_id` (String.t): 
  - `opts` (keyword): Optional parameters
    - `:"Content-Type"` (String.t): 
    - `:Authorization` (String.t): 
    - `:body` (String.t): 

  ### Returns

  - `{:ok, nil}` on success
  - `{:error, Tesla.Env.t}` on failure
  @spec preference_center_v1_preference_center_external_id_put(
        ) :: {:ok, nil} | {:error, Tesla.Env.t()}
  def preference_center_v1_preference_center_external_id_put(
        opts \\ []
      ) do
    optional_params = %{
      :"Content-Type" => :headers,
      :Authorization => :headers,
      :body => :body

    request =
      |> method(:put)
      |> url("/preference_center/v1/#{preference_center_external_id}")
      |> add_optional_params(optional_params, opts)
      |> ensure_body()
      |> Enum.into([])

    |> Connection.request(request)
    |> evaluate_response([
      {200, false}

  @doc """
  ## Generate Preference Center URL

  > Use this endpoint to generate a URL for a preference center. 

  Each preference center URL is unique to each user.

  ## Prerequisites

  To use this endpoint, you’ll need an API key with the `preference_center.user.get` permission.

  ## Rate limit

  This endpoint has a rate limit of 1,000 requests per minute, per workspace.

  ## Path parameters

  | Parameter | Required | Data Type | Description |
  | --- | --- | --- | --- |
  | `preferenceCenterExternalID` | Required | String | The ID for your preference center. |
  | `userID` | Required | String | The user ID. |

  ## Request parameters

  | **Parameter** | **Required** | **Data Type** | **Description** |
  | --- | --- | --- | --- |
  | `preference_center_api_id` | Required | String | The ID for your preference center. |
  | `external_id` | Required | String | The external ID for a user. |

  ## Example request

  curl --location --request GET '$preference_center_external_id/url/$user_external_id' \
  --header 'Authorization: Bearer YOUR-API-KEY-HERE'


  ## Response

  ``` json
  "preference_center_url": ""


  ### Parameters

  - `connection` (BrazeEx.Connection): Connection to server
  - `preference_center_external_id` (String.t): 
  - `user_id` (String.t): 
  - `opts` (keyword): Optional parameters
    - `:Authorization` (String.t): 
    - `:preference_center_api_id` (String.t): 
    - `:external_id` (String.t): (Required) String

  ### Returns

  - `{:ok, nil}` on success
  - `{:error, Tesla.Env.t}` on failure
  @spec preference_center_v1_preference_center_external_id_url_user_id_get(
        ) :: {:ok, nil} | {:error, Tesla.Env.t()}
  def preference_center_v1_preference_center_external_id_url_user_id_get(
        opts \\ []
      ) do
    optional_params = %{
      :Authorization => :headers,
      :preference_center_api_id => :query,
      :external_id => :query

    request =
      |> method(:get)
      |> url("/preference_center/v1/#{preference_center_external_id}/url/#{user_id}")
      |> add_optional_params(optional_params, opts)
      |> Enum.into([])

    |> Connection.request(request)
    |> evaluate_response([
      {200, false}