
# NOTE: This file is auto generated by OpenAPI Generator 6.2.0 (
# Do not edit this file manually.

defmodule BrazeEx.Api.ExportUsers do
  @moduledoc """
  API calls for all endpoints tagged `ExportUsers`.

  alias BrazeEx.Connection
  import BrazeEx.RequestBuilder

  @doc """
  ## Export User Profile by Global Control Group

  > Use this endpoint to export all users within a Global Control Group. 

  User data is exported as multiple files of user JSON objects separated by new lines (such as one JSON object per line).

  | Warning |
  | --- |
  | Individual custom attributes cannot be exported. However, all custom attributes can be exported by including `custom_attributes` in the `fields_to_export` array (for example, `[‘first_name’, ‘email’, ‘custom_attributes’]`). |

  To use this endpoint, you’ll need to generate an API key with the `users.export.global_control_group` permission.

  ## Rate limit

  We apply the default Braze rate limit of 250,000 requests per hour to this endpoint, as documented in [API rate limits](http://localhost:4000/docs/api/api_limits/).

  ## Credential-based response details

  For information regarding credentials-based response details, visit this [section]( in the Braze API docs.

  ## Request parameters

  | Parameter | Required | Data Type | Description |
  | --- | --- | --- | --- |
  | `callback_endpoint` | Optional | String | Endpoint to post a download URL to when the export is available. |
  | `fields_to_export` | Required\* | Array of strings | Name of user data fields to export, you may also export custom attributes.  <br>  <br>_\*Beginning April 2021, new accounts must specify specific fields to export._ |
  | `output_format` | Optional | String | When using your own S3 bucket, allows to specify file format as `zip` or `gzip`. Defaults to ZIP file format. |

  ## Fields to export

  The following is a list of valid `fields_to_export`. Using `fields_to_export` to minimize the data returned can improve response time of this API endpoint:

  | Field to export | Data type | Description |
  | --- | --- | --- |
  | `apps` | Array | Apps this user has logged sessions for, which includes the fields:  <br>  <br>\- `name`: app name  <br>\- `platform`: app platform, such as iOS, Android, or Web  <br>\- `version`: app version number or name  <br>\- `sessions`: total number of sessions for this app  <br>\- `first_used`: date of first session  <br>\- `last_used`: date of last session  <br>  <br>All fields are strings. |
  | `attributed_campaign` | String | Data from [attribution integrations](https:/, if set up. Identifier for a particular ad campaign. |
  | `attributed_source` | String | Data from [attribution integrations](https:/, if set up. Identifier for the platform the ad was on. |
  | `attributed_adgroup` | String | Data from [attribution integrations](https:/, if set up. Identifier for an optional sub-grouping below campaign. |
  | `attributed_ad` | String | Data from [attribution integrations](https:/, if set up. Identifier for an optional sub-grouping below campaign and adgroup. |
  | `braze_id` | String | Device-specific unique user identifier set by Braze for this user. |
  | `country` | String | User's country using [ISO 3166-1 alpha-2]( standard. |
  | `created_at` | String | Date and time for when the user profile was created, in ISO 8601 format. |
  | `custom_attributes` | Object | Custom attribute key-value pairs for this user. |
  | `custom_events` | Array | Custom events attributed to this user in the last 90 days. |
  | `devices` | Array | Information about the user's device, which could include the following depending on platform:  <br>  <br>\- `model`: Device's model name  <br>\- `os`: Device's operating system  <br>\- `carrier`: Device's service carrier, if available  <br>\- `idfv`: (iOS) Braze's device identifier, the Apple Identifier for Vendor, if exists  <br>\- `idfa`: (iOS) Identifier for Advertising, if exists  <br>\- `device_id`: (Android) Braze's device identifier  <br>\- `google_ad_id`: (Android) Google Play Advertising Identifier, if exists  <br>\- `roku_ad_id`: (Roku) Roku Advertising Identifier  <br>\- `ad_tracking_enabled`: If ad tracking is enabled on the device, can be true or false |
  | `dob` | String | User's date of birth in the format `YYYY-MM-DD`. |
  | `email` | String | User's email address. |
  | `external_id` | String | Unique user identifier for identified users. |
  | `first_name` | String | User's first name. |
  | `gender` | String | User's gender. Possible values are:  <br>  <br>\- `M`: male  <br>\- `F`: female  <br>\- `O`: other  <br>\- `N`: not applicable  <br>\- `P`: prefer not to say  <br>\- `nil`: unknown |
  | `home_city` | String | User's home city. |
  | `language` | String | User's language in ISO-639-1 standard. |
  | `last_coordinates` | Array of floats | User's most recent device location, formatted as `[longitude, latitude]`. |
  | `last_name` | String | User's last name. |
  | `phone` | String | User's telephone number in E.164 format. |
  | `purchase`s | Array | Purchases this user has made in the last 90 days. |
  | `random_bucket` | Integer | User's [random bucket number](https:/, used to create uniformly distributed segments of random users. |
  | `time_zone` | String | User's time zone in the same format as the IANA Time Zone Database. |
  | `total_revenue` | Float | Total revenue attributed to this user. Total revenue is calculated based on purchases the user made during conversion windows for the campaigns and Canvases they received. |
  | `uninstalled_at` | Timestamp | Date and time the user uninstalls the app. Omitted if the app has not been uninstalled. |
  | `user_aliases` | Object | [User aliases object](https:/ containing the `alias_name` and `alias_label`, if exists. |

  ## Response

  Content-Type: application/json
  Authorization: Bearer YOUR-REST-API-KEY
    "message": (required, string) the status of the export, returns 'success' when completed without errors,
    "object_prefix": (required, string) the filename prefix that will be used for the JSON file produced by this export, e.g.,'bb8e2a91-c4aa-478b-b3f2-a4ee91731ad1-1464728599',
    "url" : (optional, string) the URL where the segment export data can be downloaded if you do not have your own S3 credentials


  Once made available, the URL will only be valid for a few hours. As such, we highly recommend that you add your own S3 credentials to Braze.

  ### Sample user export file output

  User export object (we will include the least data possible - if a field is missing from the object it should be assumed to be null, false, or empty):

  ``` json
    "created_at" : (string),
    "external_id" : (string),
    "user_aliases" : [
        "alias_name" : (string),
        "alias_label" : (string)
    "braze_id": (string),
    "first_name" : (string),
    "last_name" : (string),
    "email" : (string),
    "dob" : (string) date for the user's date of birth,
    "home_city" : (string),
    "country" : (string) ISO-3166-1 alpha-2 standard,
    "phone" : (string),
    "language" : (string) ISO-639-1 standard,
    "time_zone" : (string),
    "last_coordinates" : (array of float) [lon, lat],
    "gender" : (string) "M" | "F",
    "total_revenue" : (float),
    "attributed_campaign" : (string),
    "attributed_source" : (string),
    "attributed_adgroup" : (string),
    "attributed_ad" : (string),
    "custom_attributes" : (object) custom attribute key-value pairs,
    "custom_events" : [
        "name" : (string),
        "first" : (string) date,
        "last" : (string) date,
        "count" : (int)
    "purchases" : [
        "name" : (string),
        "first" : (string) date,
        "last" : (string) date,
         "count" : (int)
    "devices" : [
        "model" : (string),
        "os" : (string),
        "carrier" : (string),
        "idfv" : (string) only included for iOS devices when IDFV collection is enabled,
        "idfa" : (string) only included for iOS devices when IDFA collection is enabled,
        "google_ad_id" : (string) only included for Android devices when Google Play Advertising Identifier collection is enabled,
        "roku_ad_id" : (string) only included for Roku devices,
        "ad_tracking_enabled" : (bool)
    "apps" : [
        "name" : (string),
        "platform" : (string),
        "version" : (string),
        "sessions" : (string),
        "first_used" : (string) date,
        "last_used" : (string) date


  ### Sample output

  ``` json
    "created_at" : "2020-07-10 15:00:00.000 UTC",
    "external_id" : "A8i3mkd99",
    "user_aliases" : [
        "alias_name" : "user_123",
        "alias_label" : "amplitude_id"
    "braze_id": "5fbd99bac125ca40511f2cb1",
    "random_bucket" : 2365,
    "first_name" : "Jane",
    "last_name" : "Doe",
    "email" : "",
    "dob" : "1980-12-21",
    "home_city" : "Chicago",
    "country" : "US",
    "phone" : "+442071838750",
    "language" : "en",
    "time_zone" : "Eastern Time (US & Canada)",
    "last_coordinates" : [41.84157636433568, -87.83520818508256],
    "gender" : "F",
    "total_revenue" : 65,
    "attributed_campaign" : "braze_test_campaign_072219",
    "attributed_source" : "braze_test_source_072219",
    "attributed_adgroup" : "braze_test_adgroup_072219",
    "attributed_ad" : "braze_test_ad_072219",
        "loyaltyId": "37c98b9d-9a7f-4b2f-a125-d873c5152856",
        "loyaltyPoints": "321",
        "loyaltyPointsNumber": 107
    "custom_events": [
          "name": "Loyalty Acknowledgement",
          "first": "2021-06-28T17:02:43.032Z",
          "last": "2021-06-28T17:02:43.032Z",
          "count": 1
    "purchases": [
        "name": "item_40834",
        "first": "2021-09-05T03:45:50.540Z",
        "last": "2022-06-03T17:30:41.201Z",
        "count": 10
    "devices": [
        "model": "Pixel XL",
        "os": "Android (Q)",
        "carrier": null,
        "device_id": "312ef2c1-83db-4789-967-554545a1bf7a",
        "ad_tracking_enabled": true
    "apps": [
        "name": "MovieCannon",
        "platform": "Android",
        "version": "3.29.0",
        "sessions": 1129,
        "first_used": "2020-02-02T19:56:19.142Z",
        "last_used": "2021-11-11T00:25:19.201Z"


  ### Parameters

  - `connection` (BrazeEx.Connection): Connection to server
  - `opts` (keyword): Optional parameters
    - `:"Content-Type"` (String.t): 
    - `:Authorization` (String.t): 
    - `:body` (String.t): 

  ### Returns

  - `{:ok, nil}` on success
  - `{:error, Tesla.Env.t}` on failure
  @spec users_export_global_control_group_post(Tesla.Env.client(), keyword()) ::
          {:ok, nil} | {:error, Tesla.Env.t()}
  def users_export_global_control_group_post(connection, opts \\ []) do
    optional_params = %{
      :"Content-Type" => :headers,
      :Authorization => :headers,
      :body => :body

    request =
      |> method(:post)
      |> url("/users/export/global_control_group")
      |> add_optional_params(optional_params, opts)
      |> ensure_body()
      |> Enum.into([])

    |> Connection.request(request)
    |> evaluate_response([
      {200, false}

  @doc """
  ## Export User Profile by Identifier

  > Use this endpoint to export data from any user profile by specifying a user identifier. 

  Up to 50 `external_ids` or `user_aliases` can be included in a single request. Should you want to specify `device_id` or `email_address` only one of either identifier can be included per request.

  To use this endpoint, you’ll need to generate an API key with the `users.export.ids` permission.

  ## Rate limit

  For customers who onboarded with Braze on or after August 16, 2021, we apply a rate limit of 2,500 requests per minute to this endpoint, as documented in [API rate limits](

  ## Request parameters

  | Parameter | Required | Data Type | Description |
  | --- | --- | --- | --- |
  | `external_ids` | Optional | Array of strings | External identifiers for users you wish export. |
  | `user_aliases` | Optional | Array of user alias object | [User aliases]( for users to export. |
  | `device_id` | Optional | String | Device identifier, as returned by various SDK methods such as `getDeviceId`. |
  | `braze_id` | Optional | String | Braze identifier for a particular user. |
  | `email_address` | Optional | String | Email address of user. |
  | `phone` | Optional | String in [E.164]( format | Phone number of user. |
  | `fields_to_export` | Optional | Array of strings | Name of user data fields to export. Defaults to all if not provided. |

  ## Fields to export

  The following is a list of valid `fields_to_export`. Using `fields_to_export` to minimize the data returned can improve response time of this API endpoint:

  | Field to export | Data type | Description |
  | --- | --- | --- |
  | `apps` | Array | Apps this user has logged sessions for, which includes the fields:  <br>  <br>\- `name`: app name  <br>\- `platform`: app platform, such as iOS, Android, or Web  <br>\- `version`: app version number or name  <br>\- `sessions`: total number of sessions for this app  <br>\- `first_used`: date of first session  <br>\- `last_used`: date of last session  <br>  <br>All fields are strings. |
  | `attributed_campaign` | String | Data from [attribution integrations](https:/, if set up. Identifier for a particular ad campaign. |
  | `attributed_source` | String | Data from [attribution integrations](https:/, if set up. Identifier for the platform the ad was on. |
  | `attributed_adgroup` | String | Data from [attribution integrations](https:/, if set up. Identifier for an optional sub-grouping below campaign. |
  | `attributed_ad` | String | Data from [attribution integrations](https:/, if set up. Identifier for an optional sub-grouping below campaign and adgroup. |
  | `braze_id` | String | Device-specific unique user identifier set by Braze for this user. |
  | `country` | String | User's country using [ISO 3166-1 alpha-2]( standard. |
  | `created_at` | String | Date and time for when the user profile was created, in ISO 8601 format. |
  | `custom_attributes` | Object | Custom attribute key-value pairs for this user. |
  | `custom_events` | Array | Custom events attributed to this user in the last 90 days. |
  | `devices` | Array | Information about the user's device, which could include the following depending on platform:  <br>  <br>\- `model`: Device's model name  <br>\- `os`: Device's operating system  <br>\- `carrier`: Device's service carrier, if available  <br>\- `idfv`: (iOS) Braze's device identifier, the Apple Identifier for Vendor, if exists  <br>\- `idfa`: (iOS) Identifier for Advertising, if exists  <br>\- `device_id`: (Android) Braze's device identifier  <br>\- `google_ad_id`: (Android) Google Play Advertising Identifier, if exists  <br>\- `roku_ad_id`: (Roku) Roku Advertising Identifier  <br>\- `ad_tracking_enabled`: If ad tracking is enabled on the device, can be true or false |
  | `dob` | String | User's date of birth in the format `YYYY-MM-DD`. |
  | `email` | String | User's email address. |
  | `external_id` | String | Unique user identifier for identified users. |
  | `first_name` | String | User's first name. |
  | `gender` | String | User's gender. Possible values are:  <br>  <br>\- `M`: male  <br>\- `F`: female  <br>\- `O`: other  <br>\- `N`: not applicable  <br>\- `P`: prefer not to say  <br>\- `nil`: unknown |
  | `home_city` | String | User's home city. |
  | `language` | String | User's language in ISO-639-1 standard. |
  | `last_coordinates` | Array of floats | User's most recent device location, formatted as `[longitude, latitude]`. |
  | `last_name` | String | User's last name. |
  | `phone` | String | User's telephone number in E.164 format. |
  | `purchase`s | Array | Purchases this user has made in the last 90 days. |
  | `random_bucket` | Integer | User's [random bucket number](https:/, used to create uniformly distributed segments of random users. |
  | `time_zone` | String | User's time zone in the same format as the IANA Time Zone Database. |
  | `total_revenue` | Float | Total revenue attributed to this user. Total revenue is calculated based on purchases the user made during conversion windows for the campaigns and Canvases they received. |
  | `uninstalled_at` | Timestamp | Date and time the user uninstalls the app. Omitted if the app has not been uninstalled. |
  | `user_aliases` | Object | [User aliases object](https:/ containing the `alias_name` and `alias_label`, if exists. |

  Be aware that the `/users/export/ids` endpoint will pull together the entire user profile for this user, including data such as all campaigns and Canvases received, all custom events performed, all purchases made, and all custom attributes. As a result, this endpoint is slower than other REST API endpoints.

  Depending on the data requested, this API endpoint may not be sufficient to meet your needs due to the 2,500 requests per minute rate limit. If you anticipate using this endpoint regularly to export users, instead consider exporting users by segment, which is asynchronous and more optimized for larger data pulls.

  ### Response

  ``` json
  Content-Type: application/json
  Authorization: Bearer YOUR-REST-API-KEY
    "message": (required, string) the status of the export, returns 'success' when completed without errors,
    "users" : (array of object) the data for each of the exported users, may be empty if no users are found,
    "invalid_user_ids" : (optional, array of string) each of the identifiers provided in the request that did not correspond to a known user


  For an example of the data that is accessible via this endpoint see the following example.

  ### Sample user export file output

  User export object (we will include the least data possible - if a field is missing from the object it should be assumed to be null, false, or empty):

  ``` json
    "created_at": (string),
    "external_id" : (string),
    "user_aliases" : [
        "alias_name" : (string),
        "alias_label" : (string)
    "braze_id": (string),
    "first_name" : (string),
    "last_name" : (string),
    "email" : (string),
    "dob" : (string) date for the user's date of birth,
    "home_city" : (string),
    "country" : (string) ISO-3166-1 alpha-2 standard,
    "phone" : (string),
    "language" : (string) ISO-639-1 standard,
    "time_zone" : (string),
    "last_coordinates" : (array of float) [lon, lat],
    "gender" : (string) "M" | "F",
    "total_revenue" : (float),
    "attributed_campaign" : (string),
    "attributed_source" : (string),
    "attributed_adgroup" : (string),
    "attributed_ad" : (string),
    "push_subscribe" : (string) "opted_in" | "subscribed" | "unsubscribed",
    "email_subscribe" : (string) "opted_in" | "subscribed" | "unsubscribed",
    "custom_attributes" : (object) custom attribute key-value pairs,
    "custom_events" : [
        "name" : (string),
        "first" : (string) date,
        "last" : (string) date,
        "count" : (int)
    "purchases" : [
        "name" : (string),
        "first" : (string) date,
        "last" : (string) date,
        "count" : (int)
    "devices" : [
        "model" : (string),
        "os" : (string),
        "carrier" : (string),
        "idfv" : (string) only included for iOS devices when IDFV collection is enabled,
        "idfa" : (string) only included for iOS devices when IDFA collection is enabled,
        "google_ad_id" : (string) only included for Android devices when Google Play Advertising Identifier collection is enabled,
        "roku_ad_id" : (string) only included for Roku devices,
        "ad_tracking_enabled" : (bool)
    "push_tokens" : [
        "app" : (string) app name,
        "platform" : (string),
        "token" : (string)
    "apps" : [
        "name" : (string),
        "platform" : (string),
        "version" : (string),
        "sessions" : (integer),
        "first_used" : (string) date,
        "last_used" : (string) date
    "campaigns_received" : [
        "name" : (string),
        "last_received" : (string) date,
        "engaged" : 
           "opened_email" : (bool),
           "opened_push" : (bool),
           "clicked_email" : (bool),
           "clicked_triggered_in_app_message" : (bool)
          "converted" : (bool),
          "api_campaign_id" : (string),
          "variation_name" : (optional, string) exists only if it is a multivariate campaign,
          "variation_api_id" : (optional, string) exists only if it is a multivariate campaign,
          "in_control" : (optional, bool) exists only if it is a multivariate campaign
    "canvases_received": [
        "name": (string),
        "api_canvas_id": (string),
        "last_received_message": (string) date,
        "last_entered": (string) date,
        "variation_name": (string),
        "in_control": (bool),
        "last_exited": (string) date,
        "steps_received": [
            "name": (string),
            "api_canvas_step_id": (string),
            "last_received": (string) date
            "name": (string),
            "api_canvas_step_id": (string),
            "last_received": (string) date
            "name": (string),
            "api_canvas_step_id": (string),
            "last_received": (string) date
    "cards_clicked" : [
        "name" : (string)


  #### Sample output

  ``` json
    "created_at" : "2020-07-10 15:00:00.000 UTC",
    "external_id" : "A8i3mkd99",
    "user_aliases" : [
        "alias_name" : "user_123",
        "alias_label" : "amplitude_id"
    "braze_id": "5fbd99bac125ca40511f2cb1",
    "random_bucket" : 2365,
    "first_name" : "Jane",
    "last_name" : "Doe",
    "email" : "",
    "dob" : "1980-12-21",
    "home_city" : "Chicago",
    "country" : "US",
    "phone" : "+442071838750",
    "language" : "en",
    "time_zone" : "Eastern Time (US & Canada)",
    "last_coordinates" : [41.84157636433568, -87.83520818508256],
    "gender" : "F",
    "total_revenue" : 65,
    "attributed_campaign" : "braze_test_campaign_072219",
    "attributed_source" : "braze_test_source_072219",
    "attributed_adgroup" : "braze_test_adgroup_072219",
    "attributed_ad" : "braze_test_ad_072219",
    "push_subscribe" : "opted_in", 
    "push_opted_in_at": "2020-01-26T22:45:53.953Z",
    "email_subscribe" : "subscribed",
      "loyaltyId": "37c98b9d-9a7f-4b2f-a125-d873c5152856",
      "loyaltyPoints": "321",
       "loyaltyPointsNumber": 107
    "custom_events": [
        "name": "Loyalty Acknowledgement",
        "first": "2021-06-28T17:02:43.032Z",
        "last": "2021-06-28T17:02:43.032Z",
        "count": 1
    "purchases": [
        "name": "item_40834",
        "first": "2021-09-05T03:45:50.540Z",
        "last": "2022-06-03T17:30:41.201Z",
        "count": 10
    "devices": [
        "model": "Pixel XL",
        "os": "Android (Q)",
        "carrier": null,
        "device_id": "312ef2c1-83db-4789-967-554545a1bf7a",
        "ad_tracking_enabled": true
    "push_tokens": [
        "app": "MovieCanon",
        "platform": "Android",
        "token": "12345abcd",
        "device_id": "312ef2c1-83db-4789-967-554545a1bf7a",
        "notifications_enabled": true
    "apps": [
        "name": "MovieCannon",
        "platform": "Android",
        "version": "3.29.0",
        "sessions": 1129,
        "first_used": "2020-02-02T19:56:19.142Z",
        "last_used": "2021-11-11T00:25:19.201Z"
    "campaigns_received": [
        "name": "Email Unsubscribe",
        "api_campaign_id": "d72fdc84-ddda-44f1-a0d5-0e79f47ef942",
        "last_received": "2022-06-02T03:07:38.105Z",
           "opened_email": true
        "converted": true,
          "Primary Conversion Event - A": true
        "in_control": false,
        "variation_name": "Variant 1",
        "variation_api_id": "1bddc73a-a134-4784-9134-5b5574a9e0b8"
    "canvases_received": [
        "name": "Non Global  Holdout Group 4/21/21",
        "api_canvas_id": "46972a9d-dc81-473f-aa03-e3473b4ed781",
        "last_received_message": "2021-07-07T20:46:24.136Z",
        "last_entered": "2021-07-07T20:45:24.000+00:00",
        "variation_name": "Variant 1",
        "in_control": false,
        "last_entered_control_at": null,
        "last_exited": "2021-07-07T20:46:24.136Z",
        "steps_received": [
            "name": "Step",
            "api_canvas_step_id": "43d1a349-c3c8-4be1-9fbe-ce708e4d1c39",
            "last_received": "2021-07-07T20:46:24.136Z"
    "cards_clicked" : [
        "name" : "Loyalty Promo"


  > **Tip:** For help with CSV and API exports, visit [Export troubleshooting](

  ### Parameters

  - `connection` (BrazeEx.Connection): Connection to server
  - `opts` (keyword): Optional parameters
    - `:"Content-Type"` (String.t): 
    - `:Authorization` (String.t): 
    - `:body` (String.t): 

  ### Returns

  - `{:ok, nil}` on success
  - `{:error, Tesla.Env.t}` on failure
  @spec users_export_ids_post(Tesla.Env.client(), keyword()) ::
          {:ok, nil} | {:error, Tesla.Env.t()}
  def users_export_ids_post(connection, opts \\ []) do
    optional_params = %{
      :"Content-Type" => :headers,
      :Authorization => :headers,
      :body => :body

    request =
      |> method(:post)
      |> url("/users/export/ids")
      |> add_optional_params(optional_params, opts)
      |> ensure_body()
      |> Enum.into([])

    |> Connection.request(request)
    |> evaluate_response([
      {200, false}

  @doc """
  ## Export User Profile by Segment

  > Use this endpoint to export all the users within a segment. 

  | Important |
  | --- |
  | Beginning December 2021, the following changed for this API:  <br>  <br>1\. The fields_to_export field in this API request is required. The option to default to all fields has been removed.  <br>2\. The fields for custom_events, purchases, campaigns_received, and canvases_received only contain data from the last 90 days. |

  User data is exported as multiple files of user JSON objects separated by new lines (such as one JSON object per line). Data is exported to an automatically generated URL, or to an S3 bucket if this integration is already set up. This endpoint is currently not supported by Google Cloud Storage.

  A company may run at most one export per segment using this endpoint at a given time. Wait for your export to complete before retrying.

  Note: If you are using our [older navigation](, `segment_id` can be found at **Developer Console > API Settings**.

  To use this endpoint, you’ll need to generate an API key with the `users.export.segment` permission.

  ## Rate limit

  We apply the default Braze rate limit of 250,000 requests per hour to this endpoint, as documented in [API rate limits](

  ## Credential-based response details

  For information regarding credentials-based response details, visit this [section]( in the Braze API docs.

  ## Request parameters

  | Parameter | Required | Data Type | Description |
  | --- | --- | --- | --- |
  | `segment_id` | Required | String | Identifier for the segment to be exported. See [segment identifier](  <br>  <br>The `segment_id` for a given segment can be found on the [API Keys]( page within your Braze account or you can use the [Segment List Endpoint]( |
  | `callback_endpoint` | Optional | String | Endpoint to post a download URL to when the export is available. |
  | `fields_to_export` | Required\* | Array of strings | Name of user data fields to export, you may also export custom attributes.  <br>  <br>_\*Beginning April 2021, new accounts must specify specific fields to export._ |
  | `custom_attributes_to_export` | Optional | Array of strings | Name of specific custom attribute to export. Up to 500 custom attributes can be exported. To create and manage custom attributes in the dashboard, go to **Data Settings** > **Custom Attributes**. |
  | `output_format` | Optional | String | When using your own S3 bucket, allows you to specify file format as `zip` or `gzip`. Defaults to ZIP file format. |

  If `custom_attributes` is included in the `fields_to_export` parameter, all custom attributes are exported regardless of what is in `custom_attributes_to_export`. If your goal is to export specific attributes, `custom_attributes` should not be included in the `fields_to_export` parameter. Instead, use the `custom_attributes_to_export` parameter.

  ### Fields to export

  The following is a list of valid `fields_to_export`. Using `fields_to_export` to minimize the data returned can improve the response time of this API endpoint:

  | Field to export | Data type | Description |
  | --- | --- | --- |
  | `apps` | Array | Apps this user has logged sessions for, which includes the fields:  <br>  <br>\- `name`: app name  <br>\- `platform`: app platform, such as iOS, Android, or Web  <br>\- `version`: app version number or name  <br>\- `sessions`: total number of sessions for this app  <br>\- `first_used`: date of first session  <br>\- `last_used`: date of last session  <br>  <br>All fields are strings. |
  | `attributed_campaign` | String | Data from [attribution integrations](https:/, if set up. Identifier for a particular ad campaign. |
  | `attributed_source` | String | Data from [attribution integrations](https:/, if set up. Identifier for the platform the ad was on. |
  | `attributed_adgroup` | String | Data from [attribution integrations](https:/, if set up. Identifier for an optional sub-grouping below campaign. |
  | `attributed_ad` | String | Data from [attribution integrations](https:/, if set up. Identifier for an optional sub-grouping below campaign and adgroup. |
  | `braze_id` | String | Device-specific unique user identifier set by Braze for this user. |
  | `country` | String | User's country using [ISO 3166-1 alpha-2]( standard. |
  | `created_at` | String | Date and time for when the user profile was created, in ISO 8601 format. |
  | `custom_attributes` | Object | Custom attribute key-value pairs for this user. |
  | `custom_events` | Array | Custom events attributed to this user in the last 90 days. |
  | `devices` | Array | Information about the user's device, which could include the following depending on platform:  <br>  <br>\- `model`: Device's model name  <br>\- `os`: Device's operating system  <br>\- `carrier`: Device's service carrier, if available  <br>\- `idfv`: (iOS) Braze's device identifier, the Apple Identifier for Vendor, if exists  <br>\- `idfa`: (iOS) Identifier for Advertising, if exists  <br>\- `device_id`: (Android) Braze's device identifier  <br>\- `google_ad_id`: (Android) Google Play Advertising Identifier, if exists  <br>\- `roku_ad_id`: (Roku) Roku Advertising Identifier  <br>\- `ad_tracking_enabled`: If ad tracking is enabled on the device, can be true or false |
  | `dob` | String | User's date of birth in the format `YYYY-MM-DD`. |
  | `email` | String | User's email address. |
  | `external_id` | String | Unique user identifier for identified users. |
  | `first_name` | String | User's first name. |
  | `gender` | String | User's gender. Possible values are:  <br>  <br>\- `M`: male  <br>\- `F`: female  <br>\- `O`: other  <br>\- `N`: not applicable  <br>\- `P`: prefer not to say  <br>\- `nil`: unknown |
  | `home_city` | String | User's home city. |
  | `language` | String | User's language in ISO-639-1 standard. |
  | `last_coordinates` | Array of floats | User's most recent device location, formatted as `[longitude, latitude]`. |
  | `last_name` | String | User's last name. |
  | `phone` | String | User's telephone number in E.164 format. |
  | `purchase`s | Array | Purchases this user has made in the last 90 days. |
  | `random_bucket` | Integer | User's [random bucket number](https:/, used to create uniformly distributed segments of random users. |
  | `time_zone` | String | User's time zone in the same format as the IANA Time Zone Database. |
  | `total_revenue` | Float | Total revenue attributed to this user. Total revenue is calculated based on purchases the user made during conversion windows for the campaigns and Canvases they received. |
  | `uninstalled_at` | Timestamp | Date and time the user uninstalls the app. Omitted if the app has not been uninstalled. |
  | `user_aliases` | Object | [User aliases object](https:/ containing the `alias_name` and `alias_label`, if exists. |

  ### Important reminders

  - The fields for `custom_events`, `purchases`, `campaigns_received`, and `canvases_received` will contain only contain data from the last 90 days.
  - Both `custom_events` and `purchases` contain fields for `first` and `count`. Both of these fields will reflect information from all time, and will not be limited to just data from the last 90 days. For example, if a particular user first did the event prior to 90 days ago, this will be accurately reflected in the `first` field, and the `count` field will take into account events that occurred prior to the last 90 days as well.
  - The number of concurrent segment exports a company can run at the endpoint level is capped at 100. Attempts that surpass this limit will result in an error.
  - Attempting to export a segment a second time while the first export job is still running will result in a 429 error.

  ### Response

  ``` json
  Content-Type: application/json
  Authorization: Bearer YOUR-REST-API-KEY
    "message": (required, string) the status of the export, returns 'success' when completed without errors,
    "object_prefix": (required, string) the filename prefix that will be used for the JSON file produced by this export, e.g. 'bb8e2a91-c4aa-478b-b3f2-a4ee91731ad1-1464728599',
    "url" : (optional, string) the URL where the segment export data can be downloaded if you do not have your own S3 credentials


  Once made available, the URL will only be valid for a few hours. As such, we highly recommend that you add your own S3 credentials to Braze.

  ### Sample user export file output

  User export object (we will include the least data possible - if a field is missing from the object it should be assumed to be null, false, or empty):

  ``` json
    "external_id" : (string),
    "user_aliases" : [
        "alias_name" : (string),
        "alias_label" : (string)
    "braze_id": (string),
    "first_name" : (string),
    "last_name" : (string),
    "email" : (string),
    "dob" : (string) date for the user's date of birth,
    "home_city" : (string),
    "country" : (string),
    "phone" : (string),
    "language" : (string) ISO-639 two letter code,
    "time_zone" : (string),
    "last_coordinates" : (array of float) [lon, lat],
    "gender" : (string) "M" | "F",
    "total_revenue" : (float),
    "attributed_campaign" : (string),
    "attributed_source" : (string),
    "attributed_adgroup" : (string),
    "attributed_ad" : (string),
    "push_subscribe" : (string) "opted_in" | "subscribed" | "unsubscribed",
    "email_subscribe" : (string) "opted_in" | "subscribed" | "unsubscribed",
    "custom_attributes" : (object) custom attribute key value pairs,
    "custom_events" : [
            "name" : (string),
            "first" : (string) date,
            "last" : (string) date,
            "count" : (int)
    "purchases" : [
            "name" : (string),
            "first" : (string) date,
            "last" : (string) date,
            "count" : (int)
    "devices" : [
            "model" : (string),
            "os" : (string),
            "carrier" : (string),
            "idfv" : (string) only included for iOS devices,
            "idfa" : (string) only included for iOS devices when IDFA collection is enabled,
            "google_ad_id" : (string) only included for Android devices when Google Play Advertising Identifier collection is enabled,
            "roku_ad_id" : (string) only included for Roku devices,
            "windows_ad_id" : (string) only included for Windows devices,
            "ad_tracking_enabled" : (bool)
    "push_tokens" : [
            "app" : (string) app name,
            "platform" : (string),
            "token" : (string)
    "apps" : [
            "name" : (string),
            "platform" : (string),
            "version" : (string),
            "sessions" : (string),
            "first_used" : (string) date,
            "last_used" : (string) date
    "campaigns_received" : [
            "name" : (string),
            "last_received" : (string) date,
            "engaged" : {
                "opened_email" : (bool),
                "opened_push" : (bool),
                "clicked_email" : (bool),
                "clicked_in_app_message" : (bool)
            "converted" : (bool),
            "api_campaign_id" : (string),
            "variation_name" : (optional, string) exists only if it is a multivariate campaign,
            "variation_api_id" : (optional, string) exists only if it is a multivariate campaign,
            "in_control" : (optional, bool) exists only if it is a multivariate campaign
    "canvases_received": [
            "name": (string),
            "api_canvas_id": (string),
            "last_received_message": (string) date,
            "last_entered": (string) date,
            "variation_name": (string),
            "in_control": (bool),
            "last_exited": (string) date,
            "steps_received": [
                    "name": (string),
                    "api_canvas_step_id": (string),
                    "last_received": (string) date
                    "name": (string),
                    "api_canvas_step_id": (string),
                    "last_received": (string) date
                    "name": (string),
                    "api_canvas_step_id": (string),
                    "last_received": (string) date
    "cards_clicked" : [
            "name" : (string)


  Sample output

  ``` json
    "created_at" : "2020-07-10 15:00:00.000 UTC",
    "external_id" : "A8i3mkd99",
    "user_aliases" : [
        "alias_name" : "user_123",
        "alias_label" : "amplitude_id"
    "braze_id": "5fbd99bac125ca40511f2cb1",
    "random_bucket" : 2365,
    "first_name" : "Jane",
    "last_name" : "Doe",
    "email" : "",
    "dob" : "1980-12-21",
    "home_city" : "Chicago",
    "country" : "US",
    "phone" : "+442071838750",
    "language" : "en",
    "time_zone" : "Eastern Time (US & Canada)",
    "last_coordinates" : [41.84157636433568, -87.83520818508256],
    "gender" : "F",
    "total_revenue" : 65,
    "attributed_campaign" : "braze_test_campaign_072219",
    "attributed_source" : "braze_test_source_072219",
    "attributed_adgroup" : "braze_test_adgroup_072219",
    "attributed_ad" : "braze_test_ad_072219",
    "push_subscribe" : "opted_in",
    "push_opted_in_at": "2020-01-26T22:45:53.953Z",
    "email_subscribe" : "subscribed",
      "loyaltyId": "37c98b9d-9a7f-4b2f-a125-d873c5152856",
      "loyaltyPoints": "321",
       "loyaltyPointsNumber": 107
    "custom_events": [
        "name": "Loyalty Acknowledgement",
        "first": "2021-06-28T17:02:43.032Z",
        "last": "2021-06-28T17:02:43.032Z",
        "count": 1
    "purchases": [
        "name": "item_40834",
        "first": "2021-09-05T03:45:50.540Z",
        "last": "2022-06-03T17:30:41.201Z",
        "count": 10
    "devices": [
        "model": "Pixel XL",
        "os": "Android (Q)",
        "carrier": null,
        "device_id": "312ef2c1-83db-4789-967-554545a1bf7a",
        "ad_tracking_enabled": true
    "push_tokens": [
        "app": "MovieCanon",
        "platform": "Android",
        "token": "12345abcd",
        "device_id": "312ef2c1-83db-4789-967-554545a1bf7a",
        "notifications_enabled": true
    "apps": [
        "name": "MovieCannon",
        "platform": "Android",
        "version": "3.29.0",
        "sessions": 1129,
        "first_used": "2020-02-02T19:56:19.142Z",
        "last_used": "2021-11-11T00:25:19.201Z"
    "campaigns_received": [
        "name": "Email Unsubscribe",
        "api_campaign_id": "d72fdc84-ddda-44f1-a0d5-0e79f47ef942",
        "last_received": "2022-06-02T03:07:38.105Z",
           "opened_email": true
        "converted": true,
          "Primary Conversion Event - A": true
        "in_control": false,
        "variation_name": "Variant 1",
        "variation_api_id": "1bddc73a-a134-4784-9134-5b5574a9e0b8"
    "canvases_received": [
        "name": "Non Global  Holdout Group 4/21/21",
        "api_canvas_id": "46972a9d-dc81-473f-aa03-e3473b4ed781",
        "last_received_message": "2021-07-07T20:46:24.136Z",
        "last_entered": "2021-07-07T20:45:24.000+00:00",
        "variation_name": "Variant 1",
        "in_control": false,
        "last_entered_control_at": null,
        "last_exited": "2021-07-07T20:46:24.136Z",
        "steps_received": [
            "name": "Step",
            "api_canvas_step_id": "43d1a349-c3c8-4be1-9fbe-ce708e4d1c39",
            "last_received": "2021-07-07T20:46:24.136Z"
    "cards_clicked" : [
        "name" : "Loyalty Promo"


  > Tip: For help with CSV and API exports, visit Export troubleshooting.

  ### Parameters

  - `connection` (BrazeEx.Connection): Connection to server
  - `opts` (keyword): Optional parameters
    - `:"Content-Type"` (String.t): 
    - `:Authorization` (String.t): 
    - `:body` (String.t): 

  ### Returns

  - `{:ok, nil}` on success
  - `{:error, Tesla.Env.t}` on failure
  @spec users_export_segment_post(Tesla.Env.client(), keyword()) ::
          {:ok, nil} | {:error, Tesla.Env.t()}
  def users_export_segment_post(connection, opts \\ []) do
    optional_params = %{
      :"Content-Type" => :headers,
      :Authorization => :headers,
      :body => :body

    request =
      |> method(:post)
      |> url("/users/export/segment")
      |> add_optional_params(optional_params, opts)
      |> ensure_body()
      |> Enum.into([])

    |> Connection.request(request)
    |> evaluate_response([
      {200, false}