# Breadcrumble

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Elixir lang port of [Breadcrumble](

## Installation

# mix.exs
defp deps do
    {:breadcrumble, "~> 1.0.0"}

# and fetch
$ mix deps.get

## Usage

# example
# in a controller
defmodule SampleApp.PageController do
  use Breadcrumble

  plug :add_breadcrumb, name: 'breadcrumb1', url: '/page/1'
  plug :add_breadcrumb, name: 'breadcrumb2', url: '/page/2'

  def index(conn, _params) do
    add_breadcrumb(conn, name: 'breadcrumb3', url: '/page/3')
    |> render "breadcrumb.html"

# `add_breadcrumb` function assigns a breadcrumb trails list to the `:breadcrumb_trails` key in the connection
# in a view
<%= for breadcrumb_trail <- @breadcrumb_trails do %>
  <%= for breadcrumb <- breadcrumb_trail do %>
    <a href="<%= breadcrumb[:url] %>"><%= breadcrumb[:name] %></a>
  <% end %>
<% end %>

# If you wish to know detail about view, see the example/template directory

# multiple breadcrumb trails
# use :index option

plug :add_breadcrumb, name: 'breadcrumb_trail 1', url: '/page/1'

# this is same as the following
plug :add_breadcrumb, name: 'breadcrumb_trail 1', url: '/page/1', index: 1

# create a second trail
plug :add_breadcrumb, name: 'breadcrumb_trail 2', url: '/page/2', index: 2

## Usage for Phoenix application

$ mix breadcrumble.gen.views
* creating web/views/breadcrumble_view.ex
* creating web/templates/breadcrumble/breadcrumb.html.eex

# web/web.ex
defmodule YourApp.Web do
  def controller do
    quote do
      use Breadcrumble  <= ADD

# add breadcrumb in controller
plug :add_breadcrumb, name: 'top', url: '/'

# render breadcrumb in template
<%= render YourApp.BreadcrumbleView, "breadcrumb.html", breadcrumb_trails: @breadcrumb_trails %>

## Requirements


## License