# BridgeEx

A library to build bridges to other services (actually only graphql ones are supported).

## Usage

### Graphql

Bridges to Graphql services are defined by `use`ing the `BridgeEx.Graphql` macro as follows:

defmodule MyApp.SomeServiceBridge do
  use BridgeEx.Graphql, endpoint: ""

  def my_query(%{} = variables) do
    call("a graphql query or mutation", variables, retry_policy: [max_retries: 1])

Besides `endpoint`, the following parameters can be optionally set when `use`ing `BridgeEx.Graphql`:

- `auth0`
- `encode_variables`
- `format_response`
- `http_headers`
- `http_options`
- `log_options`
- `max_attempts` `⚠ Deprecated in favour of retry_options in call method`

Refer to [the documentation]( for more details.

If you need more control on your requests you can use [``]( directly.

#### Call options

When `call`ing you can provide the following options, some of which override the ones provided when `use`ing the bridge:

- `http_headers`
- `http_options`
- `retry_options`

#### Return values

`call` can return one of the following values:

- `{:ok, graphql_response}` on success
- `{:error, graphql_error}` on graphql error (i.e. 200 status code but `errors` array is not `nil`)
- `{:error, {:bad_response, status_code}}` on non 200 status code
- `{:error, {:http_error, reason}}` on http error e.g. `:econnrefused`

#### Customizing the retry options

By default if `max_attempts` is greater than `1`, the bridge retries every error regardless of its value (⚠ This way is deprecated). This behaviour can be customized by providing the `retry_options` to a `call`.
`retry_options`: override configuration regarding retries, namely

- `delay`: meaning depends on `timing`
- `:constant`: retry ever `delay` ms
- `:exponential`: start retrying with `delay` ms
- `max_retries`. Defaults to `0`
- `policy`: a function that takes an error as input and returns `true`/`false` to indicate whether to retry the error or not. Defaults to "always retry" (`fn _ -> true end`).
- `timing`: either `:exponential`or`:constant`, indicates how frequently retries are made (e.g. every 1s, in an exponential manner and so on). Defaults to `:exponential`

A policy example:

retry_policy = fn errors ->
  case errors do
    {:bad_response, 400} -> true
    {:http_error, _reason} -> true
    [%{message: "some_error", extensions: %{code: "SOME_CODE"}}] -> true
    _ -> false

defmodule BridgeWithCustomRetry do
  use BridgeEx.Graphql,
    endpoint: ""
end"myquery", %{}, retry_options: [policy: retry_policy, max_retries: 2])

### Global configuration

The following configuration parameters can be set globally for all bridges in the app, by setting them inside your `config.exs`:

- `config :bridge_ex, log_options: [log_query_on_error: true, log_response_on_error: false]` to customize logging in your bridges

### Authenticating calls via Auth0

`bridge_ex` supports authentication of machine-to-machine calls via Auth0, through the [prima_auth0_ex]( library.

To use this feature do the following:

- update your `config.exs` with the necessary config to create API consumers with `prima_auth0_ex`, see [the documentation](
- add `:prima_auth0_ex` as a dependency in your mix project

Then configure your bridge with the audience of the target service:

use BridgeEx.Graphql,
  endpoint: "...",
  auth0: [enabled: true, audience: "target_audience"]

Note that Auth0 integration **must be explicitly enabled for each bridge** where you want it by setting `auth0: [enable: true]`, as per the example above.

## Testing your bridge

As a good practice, if you want to mock your bridge for testing, you _should_ define a behaviour:

defmodule MyApp.SomeService do
  @callback my_cool_query(any()) :: {:ok, map()} | {:error, any()}

Then implement it for your bridge:

defmodule MyApp.SomeServiceBridge do
  @behaviour MyApp.SomeService

  use BridgeEx.Graphql, endpoint: "..."

And finally implement it again for the mock:

defmodule MyApp.SomeServiceBridgeMock do
  @behaviour MyApp.SomeService

  alias BridgeEx.Graphql.Utils

  def my_cool_query(%{} = variables) do!("some_mock_file.json")
    |> Json.decode!(keys: :atoms)
    # required to parse data
    |> Utils.parse_response()
    # optional, if you want to format response
    # |> BridgeEx.Graphql.Client.format_response()

You can now set the right module in your `config/*` directory:

config :my_app, :some_service_bridge, MyApp.SomeServiceBridge

# or

config :my_app, :some_service_bridge, MyApp.SomeServiceBridgeMock

And use it in your app from configuration:

@some_service Application.compile_env!(:my_app, :some_service_bridge)

# ...

@some_service.my_cool_query(%{var: 2})

See [example](example) directory for an implementation, it also works in `dev` and `test` environments.

## Development

`mix deps.get && mix test`

## Installation

The package can be installed by adding `bridge_ex` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

def deps do
    {:bridge_ex, "~> 1.1.0"}
    # only if you want auth0 too
    # {:prima_auth0_ex, "~> 0.3.0"}

## Copyright and License

Copyright (c) 2020

This work is free. You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
terms of the MIT License. See the [](./ file for more details.