
defmodule BroadwayRabbitMQ.Producer do
  @valid_ack_values [:ack, :reject, :reject_and_requeue, :reject_and_requeue_once]

  @opts_schema [
    # Internal.
    client: [type: :atom, doc: false],
    # Handled by Broadway.
    broadway: [type: :any, doc: false],
    buffer_size: [
      type: :non_neg_integer,
      doc: """
      Optional, but required if `:prefetch_count` under `:qos` is
      set to `0`. Defines the size of the buffer to store events without demand.
      Can be `:infinity` to signal no limit on the buffer size. This is used to
      configure the GenStage producer, see the `GenStage` docs for more details.
      Defaults to `:prefetch_count * 5`.
    buffer_keep: [
      type: {:in, [:first, :last]},
      doc: """
      Optional. Used in the GenStage producer configuration.
      Defines whether the `:first` or `:last` entries should be kept on the
      buffer in case the buffer size is exceeded. Defaults to `:last`.
    on_success: [
      type: {:in, @valid_ack_values},
      doc: """
      Configures the acking behaviour for successful messages.
      See the "Acking" section below for all the possible values.
      This option can also be changed for each message through
      default: :ack
    on_failure: [
      type: {:in, @valid_ack_values},
      doc: """
      Configures the acking behaviour for failed messages.
      See the "Acking" section below for all the possible values.
      This option can also be changed for each message through
      default: :reject_and_requeue
    backoff_min: [
      type: :non_neg_integer,
      doc: """
      The minimum backoff interval (default: `1_000`).
    backoff_max: [
      type: :non_neg_integer,
      doc: """
      The maximum backoff interval (default: `30_000`).
    backoff_type: [
      type: {:in, [:rand_exp, :exp, :rand, :stop]},
      default: :rand_exp,
      doc: """
      The backoff strategy: `:stop` for no backoff and
      to stop, `:exp` for exponential, `:rand` for random, and `:rand_exp` for
      random exponential (default: `:rand_exp`).

  @moduledoc """
  A RabbitMQ producer for Broadway.

  ## Features

    * Automatically acknowledges/rejects messages.
    * Handles connection outages using backoff for retries.

  For a quick getting started on using Broadway with RabbitMQ, please see
  the [RabbitMQ Guide](

  ## Options


  The following options apply to the underlying AMQP connection:


  Note AMQP provides the possibility to define the AMQP connection globally.
  This is not supported by Broadway. You must configure the connection
  directly in the Broadway pipeline, as shown in the next section.

  ## Example

      @processor_concurrency 50
      @max_demand 2

        name: MyBroadway,
        producer: [
             queue: "my_queue",
             connection: [
               username: "user",
               password: "password",
               host: ""
             qos: [
               # See "Back-pressure and `:prefetch_count`" section
               prefetch_count: @processor_concurrency * @max_demand
             on_failure: :reject_and_requeue},
          # See "Producer concurrency" section
          concurrency: 1
        processors: [
          default: [
            concurrency: @processor_concurrency,
            # See "Max demand" section
            max_demand: @max_demand

  ## Producer concurrency

  For efficiency, you should generally limit the amount of internal queueing.
  Whenever additional messages are sitting in a busy processor's mailbox, they
  can't be delivered to another processor which may be available or become
  available first.

  One possible cause of internal queueing is multiple producers. This is because
  each processor's demand will be sent to all producers. For example, if a
  processor demands `2` messages and there are `2` producers, each producer
  will try to  pull `2` messages and give them to the processor. So the
  processor may receive `max_demand * <producer concurrency>` messages.

  Setting producer `concurrency: 1` will reduce internal queueing, so this is
  the recommended setting to start with. **Only increase producer concurrency
  if you can measure performance improvements in your system**. Adding another
  single-producer pipeline, or another node running the pipeline, are other
  ways you may consider to increase throughput.

  ## Back-pressure and `:prefetch_count`

  Unlike the BroadwaySQS producer, which polls for new messages,
  BroadwayRabbitMQ receives messages as they are are pushed by RabbitMQ. The
  `:prefetch_count` setting instructs RabbitMQ to [limit the number of
  unacknowledged messages a consumer will have at a given
  moment]( (except with a value
  of `0`, which RabbitMQ treats as infinity).

  Setting a prefetch limit creates back-pressure from Broadway to RabbitMQ so
  that the pipeline is not overwhelmed with messages. But setting the limit too
  low will limit throughput. For example, if the `:prefetch_count` were `1`,
  only one message could be processed at a time, regardless of other settings.

  Although the RabbitMQ client has a default `:prefetch_count` of `0`,
  BroadwayRabbitMQ overwrites the default value to `50`, enabling the
  back-pressure mechanism. **To ensure that all processors in a given pipeline
  can receive messages, the value should be set to at least `max_demand *
  <number of processors>`**, as in the example above.

  Increasing it beyond that could be helpful if latency from RabbitMQ were
  high, and in the long term would not cause the pipeline to receive an unfair
  share of messages, since RabbitMQ uses round-robin delivery to all
  subscribers. It could mean that a newly-added subscriber would initially
  receives no messages, as they would have all been prefetched by the existing

  If you're using batchers, you'll need a larger `:prefetch_count` to allow all
  batchers and processors to be busy simultaneously. Measure your system to
  decide what number works best.

  You can define `:prefetch_count` as `0` if you wish to disable back-pressure.
  However, if you do this, make sure the machine has enough resources to handle
  the number of messages coming from the broker, and set `:buffer_size` to an
  appropriate value.

  ## Max demand

  The best value for `max_demand` depends on how long your messages take to
  process. If processing time is long, consider setting it to `1`. Otherwise,
  the default value of `10` is a good starting point.

  Measure throughput in your own system to see how this setting affects it.

  ## Connection loss and backoff

  In case the connection cannot be opened or if an established connection is lost,
  the producer will try to reconnect using an exponential random backoff strategy.
  The strategy can be configured using the `:backoff_type` option.

  ## Declaring queues and binding them to exchanges

  In RabbitMQ, it's common for consumers to declare the queue they're going
  to consume from and bind it to the appropriate exchange when they start up.
  You can do these steps (either or both) when setting up your Broadway pipeline
  through the `:declare` and `:bindings` options.

        name: MyBroadway,
        producer: [
            queue: "my_queue",
            declare: [],
            bindings: [{"my-exchange", []}]},
          concurrency: 1
        processors: [
          default: []

  ## Acking

  You can use the `:on_success` and `:on_failure` options to control how messages
  are acked on RabbitMQ. By default, successful messages are acked and failed
  messages are rejected. You can set `:on_success` and `:on_failure` when starting
  the RabbitMQ producer, or change them for each message through
  `Broadway.Message.configure_ack/2`. You can also ack a message *before* the end of the Broadway
  pipeline by using `Broadway.Message.ack_immediately/1`, which determines whether to ack or
  reject based on `:on_success`/`:on_failure` too.

  Here is the list of all possible values supported by `:on_success` and `:on_failure`:

    * `:ack` - acknowledge the message. RabbitMQ will mark the message as acked and
      will not redeliver it to any other consumer. This is done via `AMQP.Basic.ack/3`.

    * `:reject` - rejects the message without requeuing (basically, discards
       the message).  RabbitMQ will not redeliver the message to any other
       consumer, but a queue can be configured to send rejected messages to a
       [dead letter exchange](, where another
       consumer can see why it was dead lettered, how many times, and so on, and
       potentially republish it. Rejecting is done through `AMQP.Basic.reject/3`
       with the `:requeue` option set to `false`.

    * `:reject_and_requeue` - rejects the message and tells RabbitMQ to requeue it so
      that it can be delivered to a consumer again. `:reject_and_requeue`
      always requeues the message. If the message is unprocessable, this will
      cause an infinite loop of retries. Rejecting is done through `AMQP.Basic.reject/3`
       with the `:requeue` option set to `true`.

    * `:reject_and_requeue_once` - rejects the message and tells RabbitMQ to requeue it
      the first time. If a message was already requeued and redelivered, it will be
      rejected and not requeued again. This feature uses Broadway-specific message metadata,
      not RabbitMQ's dead lettering feature. Rejecting is done through `AMQP.Basic.reject/3`.

  If you pass the `no_ack: true` option under `:consume_options`, then RabbitMQ will consider
  every message delivered to a consumer as **acked**, so the settings above have no effect.
  In those cases, calling `Broadway.Message.ack_immediately/1` also has no effect.

  ### Choosing the right requeue strategy

  Choose the requeue strategy carefully.

  If you set the value to `:reject` or `:reject_and_requeue_once`, make sure you handle failed
  messages properly, either by logging them somewhere or redirecting them to a dead-letter queue
  for future inspection. These strategies are useful when you want to implement **at most once**
  processing: you want your messages to be processed at most once, but if they fail, you prefer
  that they're not re-processed. It's common to pair this requeue strategy with the use of
  `Broadway.Message.ack_immediately/1` in order to ack the message before doing any work,
  so that if the consumer loses connection to RabbitMQ while processing, the message will have
  been acked and RabbitMQ will not deliver it to another consumer. For example:

      def handle_message(_, message, _context) do

  `:reject_and_requeue` is commonly used when you are implementing **at least once** processing
  semantics. You want messages to be processed at least once, so if something goes wrong and they
  get rejected, they'll be requeued and redelivered to a consumer.
  When using `:reject_and_requeue`, pay attention that requeued messages by default will
  be instantly redelivered, which may result in very high unnecessary workload.
  One way to handle this is by using [Dead Letter Exchanges](
  and [TTL and Expiration](

  ## Metadata

  You can retrieve additional information about your message by setting the `:metadata` option
  when starting the producer. This is useful in a handful of situations like when you are
  interested in the message headers or in knowing if the message is new or redelivered.
  Metadata is added to the `metadata` field in the `Broadway.Message` struct.

  These are the keys in the metadata map that are *always present*:

    * `:amqp_channel` - It contains the `AMQP.Channel` struct. You can use it to do things
      like publish messages back to RabbitMQ (for use cases such as RPCs). You *should not*
      do things with the channel other than publish messages with `AMQP.Basic.publish/5`. Other
      operations may result in undesired effects.

  Here is the list of all possible values supported by `:metadata`:

    * `:delivery_tag` - an integer that uniquely identifies the delivery on a channel.
      It's used internally in AMQP client library methods, like acknowledging or rejecting a message.

    * `:redelivered` - a boolean representing if the message was already rejected and requeued before.

    * `:exchange` - the name of the exchange the queue was bound to.

    * `:routing_key` - the name of the queue from which the message was consumed.

    * `:content_type` - the MIME type of the message.

    * `:content_encoding` - the MIME content encoding of the message.

    * `:headers` - the headers of the message, which are returned in tuples of type
      `{String.t(), argument_type(), term()}`. The last value of the tuple is the value of
      the header. You can find a list of argument types

    * `:persistent` - a boolean stating whether or not the message was published with disk persistence.

    * `:priority` - an integer representing the message priority on the queue.

    * `:correlation_id` - it's a useful property of AMQP protocol to correlate RPC requests.
      You can read more about RPC in RabbitMQ

    * `:message_id` - application specific message identifier.

    * `:timestamp` - a timestamp associated with the message.

    * `:type` - message type as a string.

    * `:user_id` - a user identifier that could have been assigned during message publication.
      RabbitMQ validated this value against the active connection when the message was published.

    * `:app_id` - publishing application identifier.

    * `:cluster_id` - RabbitMQ cluster identifier.

    * `:reply_to` - name of the reply queue.

  ## Telemetry

  This producer emits a few [Telemetry](
  events which are listed below.

    * `[:broadway_rabbitmq, :amqp, :open_connection, :start | :stop | :exception]` spans -
      these events are emitted in "span style" when opening an AMQP connection.
      See `:telemetry.span/3`.

      All these events have the measurements described in `:telemetry.span/3`. The events
      contain the following metadata:

      * `:connection_name` - the name of the AMQP connection (or `nil` if it doesn't have a name)
      * `:connection` - the connection info passed when starting the producer (either a URI
        or a keyword list of options)

    * `[:broadway_rabbitmq, :amqp, :ack, :start | :stop | :exception]` span - these events
      are emitted in "span style" when acking messages on RabbitMQ. See `:telemetry.span/3`.

      All these events have the measurements described in `:telemetry.span/3`. The events
      contain no metadata.

    * `[:broadway_rabbitmq, :amqp, :reject, :start | :stop | :exception]` span - these events
      are emitted in "span style" when rejecting messages on RabbitMQ. See `:telemetry.span/3`.

      All these events have the measurements described in `:telemetry.span/3`. The `[..., :start]`
      event contains the following metadata:

      * `:requeue` - a boolean telling if this "reject" is asking RabbitMQ to requeue the message
        or not.

    * `[:broadway_rabbitmq, :amqp, :connection_failure]` execution - this event is executed when
      the connection to RabbitMQ fails. See `:telemetry.execute/3`.

      The event contains the following metadata:

      * `:reason` - the reason for the failure.

  ## Dead-letter Exchanges

  Here's an example of how to use a dead-letter exchange setup with broadway_rabbitmq:

      defmodule MyPipeline do
        use Broadway

        @queue "my_queue"
        @exchange "my_exchange"
        @queue_dlx "my_queue.dlx"
        @exchange_dlx "my_exchange.dlx"

        def start_link(_opts) do
            name: __MODULE__,
            producer: [
              module: {
                on_failure: :reject,
                after_connect: &declare_rabbitmq_topology/1,
                queue: @queue,
                declare: [
                  durable: true,
                  arguments: [
                    {"x-dead-letter-exchange", :longstr, @exchange_dlx},
                    {"x-dead-letter-routing-key", :longstr, @queue_dlx}
                bindings: [{@exchange, []}],
              concurrency: 2
            processors: [default: [concurrency: 4]]

        defp declare_rabbitmq_topology(amqp_channel) do
          with :ok <- AMQP.Exchange.declare(amqp_channel, @exchange, :fanout, durable: true),
               :ok <- AMQP.Exchange.declare(amqp_channel, @exchange_dlx, :fanout, durable: true),
               {:ok, _} <- AMQP.Queue.declare(amqp_channel, @queue_dlx, durable: true),
               :ok <- AMQP.Queue.bind(amqp_channel, @queue_dlx, @exchange_dlx) do

        @impl true
        def handle_message(_processor, message, _context) do
          # Raising errors or returning a "failed" message here sends the message to the
          # dead-letter queue.


  use GenStage

  require Logger

  alias Broadway.{Message, Acknowledger, Producer}
  alias BroadwayRabbitMQ.Backoff

  @behaviour Acknowledger
  @behaviour Producer

  @impl true
  def init(opts) do
    Process.flag(:trap_exit, true)

    {opts, client_opts} = Keyword.split(opts, Keyword.keys(@opts_schema) -- [:broadway])

    opts =
      case NimbleOptions.validate(opts, @opts_schema) do
        {:ok, opts} -> opts
        {:error, reason} -> raise ArgumentError, Exception.message(reason)

    client = Keyword.get(opts, :client, BroadwayRabbitMQ.AmqpClient)
    gen_stage_opts = Keyword.take(opts, [:buffer_size, :buffer_keep])
    on_success = Keyword.fetch!(opts, :on_success)
    on_failure = Keyword.fetch!(opts, :on_failure)
    backoff_opts = Keyword.take(opts, [:backoff_min, :backoff_max, :backoff_type])

    config = init_client!(client, client_opts)

    send(self(), {:connect, :no_init_client})

    prefetch_count = config[:qos][:prefetch_count]
    options = producer_options(gen_stage_opts, prefetch_count)

       client: client,
       channel: nil,
       consumer_tag: nil,
       config: config,
       channel_ref: nil,
       opts: client_opts,
       on_success: on_success,
       on_failure: on_failure
     }, options}

  @impl true
  def handle_demand(_incoming_demand, state) do
    {:noreply, [], state}

  @impl true
  def handle_info({:basic_consume_ok, %{consumer_tag: tag}}, %{consumer_tag: tag} = state) do
    {:noreply, [], %{state | consumer_tag: tag}}

  # RabbitMQ sends this in a few scenarios, like if the queue this consumer
  # is consuming from gets deleted. See
  def handle_info({:basic_cancel, %{consumer_tag: tag}}, %{consumer_tag: tag} = state) do
    log_warn("Received AMQP basic_cancel from RabbitMQ")
    state = disconnect(state)
    {:noreply, [], connect(state, :init_client)}

  def handle_info({:basic_cancel_ok, %{consumer_tag: tag}}, %{consumer_tag: tag} = state) do
    {:noreply, [], %{state | consumer_tag: nil}}

  def handle_info({:basic_deliver, payload, meta}, state) do
    %{channel: channel, client: client, config: config} = state
    %{delivery_tag: tag, redelivered: redelivered} = meta

    acknowledger =
      if config[:consume_options][:no_ack] do
        {Broadway.NoopAcknowledger, _ack_ref = nil, _data = nil}
        ack_data = %{
          delivery_tag: tag,
          client: client,
          redelivered: redelivered,
          on_success: state.on_success,
          on_failure: state.on_failure

        {__MODULE__, _ack_ref = channel, ack_data}

    metadata =
      |> Map.take(config[:metadata])
      |> Map.put(:amqp_channel, channel)

    message = %Message{
      data: payload,
      metadata: metadata,
      acknowledger: acknowledger

    {:noreply, [message], state}

  def handle_info({:EXIT, conn_pid, reason}, %{channel: %{conn: %{pid: conn_pid}}} = state) do
    log_warn("AMQP connection went down with reason: #{inspect(reason)}")
    state = %{state | channel: nil, consumer_tag: nil}
    {:noreply, [], connect(state, :init_client)}

  def handle_info({:DOWN, ref, :process, _pid, reason}, %{channel_ref: ref} = state) do
    log_warn("AMQP channel went down with reason: #{inspect(reason)}")
    state = disconnect(state)
    {:noreply, [], connect(state, :init_client)}

  def handle_info({:connect, mode}, state) when mode in [:init_client, :no_init_client] do
    {:noreply, [], connect(state, mode)}

  def handle_info(_, state) do
    {:noreply, [], state}

  @impl true
  def terminate(_reason, state) do
    _state = disconnect(state)

  @impl Acknowledger
  def ack(_ack_ref = channel, successful, failed) do
    ack_messages(successful, channel, :successful)
    ack_messages(failed, channel, :failed)

  @impl Acknowledger
  def configure(_channel, ack_data, options) do
    Enum.each(options, fn
      {name, val} when name in [:on_success, :on_failure] -> assert_valid_ack_option!(name, val)
      {other, _value} -> raise ArgumentError, "unsupported configure option #{inspect(other)}"

    ack_data = Map.merge(ack_data,
    {:ok, ack_data}

  defp assert_valid_ack_option!(name, value) do
    unless value in @valid_ack_values do
      raise ArgumentError, "unsupported value for #{inspect(name)} option: #{inspect(value)}"

  @impl Producer
  def prepare_for_draining(%{channel: nil} = state) do
    {:noreply, [], state}

  def prepare_for_draining(state) do
    %{client: client, channel: channel, consumer_tag: consumer_tag} = state

    case client.cancel(channel, consumer_tag) do
      {:ok, ^consumer_tag} ->
        {:noreply, [], state}

      {:error, error} ->
        Logger.error("Could not cancel producer while draining. Channel is #{error}")
        {:noreply, [], state}

  defp producer_options(opts, 0) do
    if opts[:buffer_size] do
      raise ArgumentError, ":prefetch_count is 0, specify :buffer_size explicitly"

  defp producer_options(opts, prefetch_count) do
    Keyword.put_new(opts, :buffer_size, prefetch_count * 5)

  defp ack_messages(messages, channel, kind) do
    errors =
      Enum.flat_map(messages, fn %{acknowledger: {_module, _channel, ack_data}} = msg ->
        case apply_ack_func(kind, ack_data, channel) do
          :ok ->

          {:error, reason} ->
            Could not ack or reject message.

            Message: #{inspect(msg)}
            Reason: #{inspect(reason)}

            [{msg, reason}]

    case errors do
      [] ->

      [{msg, reason} | _other_errors] ->
        raise RuntimeError, """
        Could not ack or reject one or more messages. An example failure is provided. There may \
        be more in logging.

        Message: #{inspect(msg)}
        Reason: #{inspect(reason)}

  defp apply_ack_func(:successful, ack_data, channel) do
    apply_ack_func(ack_data.on_success, ack_data, channel)

  defp apply_ack_func(:failed, ack_data, channel) do
    apply_ack_func(ack_data.on_failure, ack_data, channel)

  defp apply_ack_func(:ack, ack_data, channel) do
    ack_data.client.ack(channel, ack_data.delivery_tag)

  defp apply_ack_func(reject, ack_data, channel)
       when reject in [:reject, :reject_and_requeue, :reject_and_requeue_once] do
    options = [requeue: requeue?(reject, ack_data.redelivered)]
    ack_data.client.reject(channel, ack_data.delivery_tag, options)

  defp requeue?(:reject, _redelivered), do: false
  defp requeue?(:reject_and_requeue, _redelivered), do: true
  defp requeue?(:reject_and_requeue_once, redelivered), do: !redelivered

  defp disconnect(%{channel: channel, client: client, config: config} = state) do
    if channel do
      _ = client.close_connection(config, channel)
      %{state | channel: nil}

  defp connect(state, mode) when mode in [:init_client, :no_init_client] do
    %{client: client, config: config, backoff: backoff, opts: opts} = state

    config =
      if mode == :no_init_client do
        init_client!(client, opts)

    case client.setup_channel(config) do
      {:ok, channel} ->
        # We monitor the channel but link to the connection (in the client, not here).
        channel_ref = Process.monitor(
        backoff = backoff && Backoff.reset(backoff)
        consumer_tag = client.consume(channel, config)

          | channel: channel,
            config: config,
            consumer_tag: consumer_tag,
            backoff: backoff,
            channel_ref: channel_ref

      {:error, reason} ->
        handle_connection_failure(state, reason)

  defp handle_connection_failure(state, reason) do
    _ = Logger.error("Cannot connect to RabbitMQ broker: #{inspect(reason)}")

      [:broadway_rabbitmq, :amqp, :connection_failure],
      %{system_time: System.system_time()},
      %{reason: reason}

    case reason do
      {:auth_failure, ~c"Disconnected"} ->

      {:socket_closed_unexpectedly, :"connection.start"} ->

      reason when reason in [:econnrefused, :unknown_host, :not_allowed] ->

      _other ->
        _ = Logger.error("Crashing because of unexpected error when connecting to RabbitMQ")
        raise "unexpected error when connecting to RabbitMQ broker"

  defp handle_backoff(%{backoff: backoff} = state) do
    new_backoff =
      if backoff do
        {timeout, backoff} = Backoff.backoff(backoff)
        Process.send_after(self(), {:connect, :init_client}, timeout)

      | channel: nil,
        consumer_tag: nil,
        backoff: new_backoff,
        channel_ref: nil

  defp init_client!(client, opts) do
    case client.init(opts) do
      {:ok, config} ->

      {:error, message} ->
        raise ArgumentError, "invalid options given to #{inspect(client)}.init/1, " <> message

  # TODO: Remove when we remove the default value
  defp maybe_warn_unspecified_on_failure_opt(opts) do
    unless Keyword.has_key?(opts, :on_failure) do
      name = get_in(opts, [:broadway, :name])

      {:ok, vsn} = :application.get_key(:broadway_rabbitmq, :vsn)

        ":on_failure should be specified for Broadway topology with name #{inspect(name)}; " <>
          "assuming :reject_and_requeue. See documentation for valid values: " <>

  # TODO: remove this conditional when we depend on Elixir 1.11+.
  if macro_exported?(Logger, :warning, 1) do
    defp log_warn(message), do: Logger.warning(message)
    defp log_warn(message), do: Logger.warn(message)