# BSV-ex - Elixir Bitcoin SV Library

BSV-ex is a general purpose library for building Bitcoin SV applications in Elixir. The intent of this library is to be broadly comparable in scope, and cross compatible with [Money Button's BSV Javascript library](https://github.com/moneybutton/bsv).
## Features
Currently this library offers the following functionality:
* Transaction parsing, construction, signing and serialization
* Keypair generation and address encoding and decoding
* BIP-39 mnemonic phrase generation and deterministic keys
* Bitcoin message signing (Electrum compatible)
* ECIES encryption/decryption (Electrum compatible)
* Wide range of both Bitcoin and non-Bitcoin specific crypto functions
Full documentation can be found at [https://hexdocs.pm/bsv](https://hexdocs.pm/bsv).
#### Note to developers
This is a new library and new codebase. As such developers should proceed with caution and test using testnet and small value transactions. In future versions the API is subject to change as the library is developed towards maturity.
## Installation
The package is bundled with `libsecp256k1` NIF bindings. `libtool`, `automake` and `autogen` are required in order for the package to compile.
The package can be installed by adding `bsv` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:
def deps do
{:bsv, "~> 0.2"}
## Usage
### Key pairs and addresses
iex> keys = BSV.KeyPair.generate
network: :main,
private_key: <<1, 249, 98, 144, 230, 172, 5, 56, 197, 143, 133, 240, 144, 223, 25, 32, 55, 42, 159, 26, 128, 66, 149, 49, 235, 179, 116, 11, 209, 235, 240, 163>>,
public_key: <<3, 173, 251, 14, 108, 217, 224, 80, 133, 244, 200, 33, 191, 137, 80, 62, 141, 133, 166, 201, 224, 141, 101, 152, 144, 92, 237, 54, 220, 131, 58, 26, 4>>
iex> address = BSV.Address.from_public_key(keys)
...> |> BSV.Address.to_string
### Mnemonic phrase and deterministic keys
iex> mnemonic = BSV.Mnemonic.generate
"various attitude grain market food wheat arena disagree soccer dust wrestle auction fiber wrestle sort wonder vital gym ill word amazing sniff have biology"
iex> master = BSV.Mnemonic.to_seed(mnemonic)
...> |> BSV.Extended.PrivateKey.from_seed
chain_code: <<164, 12, 192, 154, 59, 209, 85, 172, 76, 7, 42, 138, 247, 125, 161, 30, 135, 25, 124, 160, 170, 234, 126, 162, 228, 146, 135, 232, 67, 181, 219, 91>>,
child_number: 0,
depth: 0,
fingerprint: <<0, 0, 0, 0>>,
key: <<111, 24, 247, 85, 107, 58, 162, 225, 135, 190, 185, 200, 226, 131, 68, 152, 159, 111, 232, 166, 21, 211, 235, 180, 140, 190, 109, 39, 31, 33, 107, 17>>,
network: :main,
version_number: <<4, 136, 173, 228>>
iex> child_address = master
...> |> BSV.Extended.Children.derive("m/44'/0'/0'/0/0")
...> |> BSV.Address.to_string
### Creating transactions
iex> script = %BSV.Script{}
...> |> BSV.Script.push(:OP_FALSE)
...> |> BSV.Script.push(:OP_RETURN)
...> |> BSV.Script.push("hello world")
%BSV.Script{chunks: [:OP_FALSE, :OP_RETURN, "hello world"]}
iex> output = %BSV.Transaction.Output{script: script}
satoshis: 0,
script: %BSV.Script{
chunks: [:OP_FALSE, :OP_RETURN, "hello world"]
iex> tx = %BSV.Transaction{}
...> |> BSV.Transaction.spend_from(utxo)
...> |> BSV.Transaction.add_output(output)
...> |> BSV.Transaction.change_to("15KgnG69mTbtkx73vNDNUdrWuDhnmfCxsf")
...> |> BSV.Transaction.sign(private_key)
...> |> BSV.Transaction.serialize(encoding: :hex)
For more examples please refer to the [full documentation](https://hexdocs.pm/bsv).
## Credit
`bsv-ex` is a new project with a new codebase, but without the efforts of others who have walked this path before me this library would not be possible.
Credit and thanks to the authors of the following libraries, for helping me get to grips with some of the more nuanced aspects of Bitcoin's design.
* [moneybutton/bsv](https://github.com/moneybutton/bsv)
* [brentongunning/rust-sv](https://github.com/brentongunning/rust-sv)
* [KamilLelonek/ex_wallet](https://github.com/KamilLelonek/ex_wallet)
* [comboy/bitcoin-elixir](https://github.com/comboy/bitcoin-elixir)
## License
© Copyright 2019 libitx.
BSV-ex is free software and released under the [MIT license](https://github.com/libitx/bsv-elixir/blob/master/LICENSE.md).