
defmodule BSV.Contract do
  @moduledoc """
  A behaviour module for implementing Bitcoin transaction contracts.

  A Bitcoin transaction contains two sides: inputs and outputs.

  Transaction outputs are script puzzles, called "locking scripts" (sometimes
  also known as a "ScriptPubKey") which lock a number of satoshis. Transaction
  inputs are contain an "unlocking script" (or the "ScriptSig") and unlock the
  satoshis contained in the previous transaction's outputs.

  Therefore, each locking script is unlocked by a corresponding unlocking script.

  The `BSV.Contract` module provides a way to define a locking script and
  unlocking script in a plain Elixir function. Because it is *just Elixir*, it
  is trivial to add helper functions and macros to reduce boilerplate and create
  more complex contract types and scripts.

  ## Defining a contract

  The following module implements a Pay to Public Key Hash contract.
  Implementing a contract is just a case of defining `c:locking_script/2` and

      defmodule P2PKH do
        @moduledoc "Pay to Public Key Hash contract."
        use BSV.Contract

        @impl true
        def locking_script(ctx, %{address: address}) do
          |> op_dup
          |> op_hash160
          |> push(address.pubkey_hash)
          |> op_equalverify
          |> op_checksig

        @impl true
        def unlocking_script(ctx, %{keypair: keypair}) do
          |> signature(keypair.privkey)
          |> push(BSV.PubKey.to_binary(keypair.pubkey))

  ## Locking a contract

  A contract locking script is initiated by calling `lock/2` on the contract
  module, passing the number of satoshis and a map of parameters expected by
  `c:locking_script/2` defined in the contract.

      # Initiate the contract locking script
      contract = P2PKH.lock(10_000, %{address: Address.from_pubkey(bob_pubkey)})

      script = Contract.to_script(contract) # returns the locking script
      txout = Contract.to_txout(contract)   # returns the full txout

  ## Unlocking a contract

  To unlock and spend the contract, a `t:BSV.UTXO.t/0` is passed to `unlock/2`
  with the parameters expected by `c:unlocking_script/2` defined in the contract.

      # Initiate the contract unlocking script
      contract = P2PKH.unlock(utxo, %{keypair: keypair})

  Optionally the current transaction [`context`](`t:BSV.Contract.ctx/0`) can be
  given to the [`contract`](`t:BSV.Contract.t/0`). This allows the correct
  [`sighash`](`t:BSV.Sig.sighash/0`) to be calculated for any signatures.

      # Pass the current transaction ctx
      contract = Contract.put_ctx(contract, {tx, vin})

      # returns the signed txin
      txout = Contract.to_txin(contract)

  ## Building transactions

  The `BSV.Contract` behaviour is taken advantage of in the `BSV.TxBuilder`
  module, resulting in transaction building semantics that are easy to grasp and
  pleasing to work with.

      builder = %TxBuilder{
        inputs: [
          P2PKH.unlock(utxo, %{keypair: keypair})
        outputs: [
          P2PKH.lock(10_000, %{address: address})

      # Returns a fully signed transaction

  For more information, refer to `BSV.TxBuilder`.
  alias BSV.{Script, Tx, TxBuilder, TxIn, TxOut, UTXO, VM}

  defstruct ctx: nil, mfa: nil, opts: [], subject: nil, script: %Script{}

  @typedoc "BSV Contract struct"
  @type t() :: %__MODULE__{
    ctx: ctx() | nil,
    mfa: {module(), atom(), list()},
    opts: keyword(),
    subject: non_neg_integer() | UTXO.t(),
    script: Script.t()

  @typedoc """
  Transaction context.

  A tuple containing a `t:BSV.Tx.t/0` and [`vin`](``). When
  attached to a contract, the he correct [`sighash`](`t:BSV.Sig.sighash/0`) to
  be calculated for any signatures.
  @type ctx() :: {Tx.t(), non_neg_integer()}

  defmacro __using__(_) do
    quote do
      alias BSV.Contract
      import Contract.Helpers

      @behaviour Contract

      @doc """
      Returns a locking script contract with the given parameters.
      @spec lock(non_neg_integer(), map(), keyword()) :: Contract.t()
      def lock(satoshis, %{} = params, opts \\ []) do
        struct(Contract, [
          mfa: {__MODULE__, :locking_script, [params]},
          opts: opts,
          subject: satoshis

      @doc """
      Returns an unlocking script contract with the given parameters.
      @spec unlock(UTXO.t(), map(), keyword()) :: Contract.t()
      def unlock(%UTXO{} = utxo, %{} = params, opts \\ []) do
        struct(Contract, [
          mfa: {__MODULE__, :unlocking_script, [params]},
          opts: opts,
          subject: utxo

  @doc """
  Callback executed to generate the contract locking script.

  Is passed the [`contract`](`t:BSV.Contract.t/0`) and a map of parameters. It
  must return the updated [`contract`](`t:BSV.Contract.t/0`).
  @callback locking_script(t(), map()) :: t()

  @doc """
  Callback executed to generate the contract unlocking script.

  Is passed the [`contract`](`t:BSV.Contract.t/0`) and a map of parameters. It
  must return the updated [`contract`](`t:BSV.Contract.t/0`).
  @callback unlocking_script(t(), map()) :: t()

  @optional_callbacks unlocking_script: 2

  @doc """
  Puts the given [`transaction context`](`t:BSV.Contract.ctx/0`) (tx and vin)
  onto the contract.

  When the transaction context is attached, the contract can generate valid
  signatures. If it is not attached, all signatures will be 71 bytes of zeros.
  @spec put_ctx(t(), ctx()) :: t()
  def put_ctx(%__MODULE__{} = contract, {%Tx{} = tx, vin}) when is_integer(vin),
    do: Map.put(contract, :ctx, {tx, vin})

  @doc """
  Appends the given value onto the end of the contract script.
  @spec script_push(t(), atom() | integer() | binary()) :: t()
  def script_push(%__MODULE__{} = contract, val),
    do: update_in(contract.script, & Script.push(&1, val))

  @doc """
  Returns the size (in bytes) of the contract script.
  @spec script_size(t()) :: non_neg_integer()
  def script_size(%__MODULE__{} = contract) do
    |> to_script()
    |> Script.to_binary()
    |> byte_size()

  @doc """
  Compiles the contract and returns the script.
  @spec to_script(t()) :: Script.t()
  def to_script(%__MODULE__{mfa: {mod, fun, args}} = contract) do
    %{script: script} = apply(mod, fun, [contract | args])

  @doc """
  Compiles the unlocking contract and returns the `t:BSV.TxIn.t/0`.
  @spec to_txin(t()) :: TxIn.t()
  def to_txin(%__MODULE__{subject: %UTXO{outpoint: outpoint}} = contract) do
    sequence = Keyword.get(contract.opts, :sequence, 0xFFFFFFFF)
    script = to_script(contract)
    struct(TxIn, outpoint: outpoint, script: script, sequence: sequence)

  @doc """
  Compiles the locking contract and returns the `t:BSV.TxIn.t/0`.
  @spec to_txout(t()) :: TxOut.t()
  def to_txout(%__MODULE__{subject: satoshis} = contract)
    when is_integer(satoshis)
    script = to_script(contract)
    struct(TxOut, satoshis: satoshis, script: script)

  @doc """
  Simulates the contract with the given locking and unlocking parameters.

  Internally this works by creating a fake transaction containing the locking
  script, and then attempts to spend that UTXO in a second fake transaction.
  The entire script is concatenated and passed to `VM.eval/2`.

  ## Example

      iex> alias BSV.Contract.P2PKH
      iex> keypair =
      iex> lock_params = %{address: BSV.Address.from_pubkey(keypair.pubkey)}
      iex> unlock_params = %{keypair: keypair}
      iex> {:ok, vm} = Contract.simulate(P2PKH, lock_params, unlock_params)
      iex> BSV.VM.valid?(vm)
  @spec simulate(module(), map(), map()) :: {:ok, VM.t()} | {:error, VM.t()}
  def simulate(mod, %{} = lock_params, %{} = unlock_params) when is_atom(mod) do
    %Tx{outputs: [txout]} = lock_tx = TxBuilder.to_tx(%TxBuilder{
      outputs: [apply(mod, :lock, [1000, lock_params])]

    utxo = UTXO.from_tx(lock_tx, 0)

    %Tx{inputs: [txin]} = tx = TxBuilder.to_tx(%TxBuilder{
      inputs: [apply(mod, :unlock, [utxo, unlock_params])]

    VM.eval(%VM{ctx: {tx, 0, txout}}, txin.script.chunks ++ txout.script.chunks)
