# Bitcoin SV JSON-RPC client
A client library to talk to the JSON-RPC endpoint on a Bitcoin node (and much more! - check the ever expanding list of features below). The long term plan is to develop library into a fully-fledged Bitcoin library and split it into multiple libraries. It will stay in a single project for easier early stage development.
**Warning:** Library is under active development and will most likely keep changing in the foreseeable future.
Most of the things should work with any Bitcoin flavour (Bitcoin Core, Bitcoin Cash), but I do currently not test
with any other implementation than Bitcoin SV.
## Features
* API to work with basic Bitcoin structures
* Transactions
* Transaction inputs
* Transaction outputs
* Addresses
* Unspent transation outputs (UTXOs)
* Blocks (TODO)
* Scripts (TODO)
* Base58Check API
* Various helper functions
* P2PKH transaction generation
* [Variable length integer](https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/Protocol_documentation#Variable_length_integer) operations
* JSON-RPC client API (not complete, support for new methods added regularly)
* MetaNet operations
## Usage
In order to use the JSON-RPC client feature add `:bsv_rpc` to your applications:
def application do
[applications: [:bsv_rpc]]
and add Bitcoin node connection configuration:
config :bsv_rpc, :node,
hostname: "localhost",
port: 8332,
username: "someusername",
password: "somepassword"
Alternatively you can run the client's `GenServer` process manually:
{:ok, pid} = BsvRpc.Client.start_link("someusername", "somepass", "localhost", 8332)
## License
Copyright © 2019 Janez Urevc
This work is free. You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
terms of the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more details.