# Bucketier README
**Bucketier** is a simple _Dictionary_ application you can use to store
data in a simple _Bucket_ (Key/Value store).
See `Bucketier.Bucket` for more information.
## Installation
Bucketier is [available as hex package](https://hex.pm/packages/bucketier),
the package can be installed by adding `bucketier` to your list of dependencies
in `mix.exs` and optionally start it with your application:
def application do
applications: [:bucketier], ### add :bucketier here
extra_applications: [:logger],
mod: {YourElixirApp.Application, []}
def deps do
{:bucketier, "~> 0.1.0"}
Documentation can be found at [https://hexdocs.pm/bucketier](https://hexdocs.pm/bucketier).
## Examples
### Put some items in a shopping list and retreive the bucket by name
alias Bucketier.Bucket
Bucket.bucket("shopping list")
|> Bucket.put( 1, "Milk")
|> Bucket.put( 2, "Butter")
|> Bucket.put( 3, "Bread")
|> Bucket.commit
Bucket.bucket("shopping list")
#=> %Bucketier.Bucket{
#=> data: %{ 1 => "Milk", 2 => "Butter", 3 => "Bread"},
#=> name: "shopping list"
#=> }
`Bucket.bucket("bucket name")` will return a struct of type `%Bucket{}`.
`Bucket.put` will add keys to this structure but will not save the new
state to the `Bucketier` until you call `Bucket.commit(mybucket)`.
### Put some items in a list and retreive values by keys later
alias Bucketier.Bucket
Bucket.bucket("shopping list")
|> Bucket.put( 1, "Milk")
|> Bucket.put( 2, "Butter")
|> Bucket.put( 3, "Bread")
|> Bucket.commit
Bucket.get("shopping list", 2)
#=> "Butter"
Bucket.keys("shopping list")
#=> [1,2,3]
Bucket.values("shopping list")
#=> ["Milk, "Butter", "Bread"]
## Roadmap
The project is a sidekick from a project at our company and will hopefully
mature over the next weeks.
Obviously, updating and deleting of entries, real persistence (on disc),
and other features are missing and will follow.