# Bugsnag Elixir [![Build Status](](

Capture exceptions and send them to the [Bugsnag]( API!

## Installation

# Add it to your deps in your projects mix.exs
defp deps do
  [{:bugsnag, "~> 1.5.0"}]

# Now, list the :bugsnag application as your application dependency:
def application do
  [applications: [:bugsnag]]

# Open up your config/config.exs (or appropriate project config)
config :bugsnag, api_key: "bbf085fc54ff99498ebd18ab49a832dd"

# Set the release stage in your environment configs (e.g. config/prod.exs)
config :bugsnag, release_stage: "production"

# Set the notify release stages to limit reporting the errors based on your environment
# Defaults to ["production"]
config :bugsnag, notify_release_stages: ["production"]

# Set app version, so "fixed" errors won't come back within the same version
config :bugsnag, app_version: Mix.Project.config[:version]

# Set `use_logger: true` to report all uncaught exceptions (using Erlang SASL)
config :bugsnag, use_logger: true

# Override the default bugsnag endpoint url
config :bugsnag, endpoint_url: ""

## Usage

### Configuration

You can use environment variables in order to set up all options. You can set default variable names, and don't touch config files, eg:


Or you can define from which env vars it should be loaded, eg:

config :bugsnag, :api_key,        {:system, "YOUR_ENV_VAR" [, optional_default]}
config :bugsnag, :endpoint_url,   {:system, "YOUR_ENV_VAR" [, optional_default]}
config :bugsnag, :release_stage,  {:system, "YOUR_ENV_VAR" [, optional_default]}
config :bugsnag, :notify_release_stages,  {:system, "YOUR_ENV_VAR" [, optional_default]}
config :bugsnag, :use_logger,     {:system, "YOUR_ENV_VAR" [, optional_default]}
config :bugsnag, :hostname,       {:system, "YOUR_ENV_VAR" [, optional_default]}
config :bugsnag, :app_type,       {:system, "YOUR_ENV_VAR" [, optional_default]}
config :bugsnag, :app_version,    {:system, "YOUR_ENV_VAR" [, optional_default]}

Ofcourse you can use regular values as in Installation guide.

### Manual reporting

# Report an exception.
try do
  :foo = :bar
  exception ->

In some cases you might want to send the report synchronously, to make sure that it got sent. You can do that with:

# exception occured

### Options

These are optional fields to fill the bugsnag report with more information, depending on your specific usage scenario.
They can be passed into the `` function like so:

# exception occured, severity: "warn", user: %{name: "Jane Doe"})

- `api_key` - Allows overriding any configured api key manually
- `stacktrace` - Allows explicitly passing in a stacktrace used to generate the stacktrace object that is sent to bugsnag
- `severity` - Sets the severity explicitly to "error", "warning" or "info"
- `release_stage` - Explicitly sets an arbitrary release stage e.g. "development", "test" or "production"
- `notify_release_stages` - States in which environments, bugnsnag will report errors e.g. "development", "test" or "production". Defaults to ["production"]
- `context` - Allows passing in context information, like e.g. the name of the file the crash occured in
- `user` - Allows passing in user information, needs to be a map with one or more of the following fields (which are then searchable):
  - `id` - Any binary identifier for the user
  - `name` - Full name of the user
  - `email` - Full email of the user
- `os_version` and `hostname` - Will be aggregated within Bugsnag's `device` field and can be used as a filter
- `app_type` - The application type (defaults to `elixir`)
- `app_version` - The version of your application in which the error occurred
- `metadata` - Arbitrary metadata (See [Bugsnag docs]( for more information)

### Logger

Set the `use_logger` option to true in your application's `config.exs`.
So long as `:bugsnag` is started, any [SASL](
compliant processes that crash will send an error report to the `Bugsnag.Logger`.
The logger will take care of sending the error to Bugsnag.